Wednesday, July 18, 2012

snoop: verb

 to prowl or pry; go about in a sneaking, prying way


I would love to give each and everyone of you a big hug and a kiss for going over to the Really Reasonable website and commenting on my post there. Y'all are the sweetest, kindest and most loving ladies that I have had the honor to blog with! Thank you for making me feel so special!

 And congratulations to Kim from Lazy Cowgirl who got picked and won a ribbon assortment!
Yay Kim!!
Happy Birthday wishes to Anne!
So now to my desk! You can see the 4th page of my mini album I am currently working on. Nothing is glued down at the moment, it's laying there for final inspection before being assembled. The usual amount of drawers are left open, typical me. :)
 And since I was taking pictures of messy things, I stopped in the hallway to snap my grandmothers sewing table ( one of my favorite pieces of furniture! ), which is sporting books to go back to library, stash of sunglasses, doggie treats for Shirley's dog ( always handy so I can grab one when I go to visit her! ), pink umbrella that needs to be put back in my car!, a tea pot vase, which started out in life as a tea pot bird feeder that Jamie gave me for Christmas, and is now filled with Carnations, ( I plugged up all the holes with a clear water proof caulking and it's working out great now as a vase! ) keys, Prada sunglasses ( my indulgence ) and my wallet. The glass wreath on the back wall is made up of all sorts of tiny broken treasures that were my mom's.

So how is everyone doing today? I am currently in countdown mode for my beach vacation that is coming up in August, and I am making my friend who is going with me a mini album to put all her favorite beach pictures in.

Page 3 of my mini album:
 I added some elements that again, we will slide her photo under it during vacation. I love this saying that I picked up while surfing an online interior decorating beach store. I made it look more dimensional before cutting it out by drawing in the depth of the sign with my Tim Holtz distress markers, and then cutting a slit in it so I could slide the sign post through it. The fence was made from my Happy Hauntings cartridge, I snipped of the top of the post and the grass along the bottom, and separated the last post so I could tilt it. I wanted it to look like the beach erosion was making it come apart.  I cut strips of wispy ocean grass to come up between the post with the grass and the sign tilted to the left like it happened from the continually strong ocean breezes. The seashells were cut from my Stretch Your Imagination cartridge.

If you want to see the cover, go here.
Pages 1 and 2, go here.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day because you deserve it, now I'm off to snoop! lol

And as always I leave you with a reminder to go check out Project Pinterest!


Eliza said...

Yay I am first to comment, yippee for me and you of course. LOL I so love coming here and finding out what you are upto, ok snooping..... I am interested in the wreath thing that holds all the broken things that are special memories hhhmmmmmmm...... more information please, maybe you can do a post on it.

Like usual your desk is filled with creativity like the seaside layout and the words are perfect.

TTYS Eliza #11 again

Thanks for visiting me again.

Judys Lace Creations said...

Hi Sandee, I'm waving back from the plains of Adelaide! Love that seaside album.
Actually my house is green and neutrals, but the walls do have bright stuff on them. I'll have to take some photos of my work room for you to see.It's very small, but I pack a lot into it.Luckily for me I have a big table in the garage where I do gluing and messy stuff.
Have fun on your holiday!!

scrappymo! said...

That mini looks fab.The quote is fabulous and I love the page it is on.

Sunshine Girl said...

Oooh love the page you have made - that tilted fence looks very effective doesnt it! Thanks for sharing - Sunshine Girl No. 58

Pam said...

Thanks for your visit it would be lovely to share some of ur sun :-) xx

Helen said...

i love that table and the wreath... have a great day, Helen 22

okienurse said...

lots of fun things to look at this week! We are suppose to close the drawers? Mine rarely are. Love the table of your grandmas...I have a hall table that is always stacked. Great looking book. Hoping to make it to the ocean and Virginia Beach this fall. Have a great week. Vickie #67

BJ said...

Love your table in the hall, Flylady would call that a "hot spot". The wreath on the wall is lovely and your mini album is coming along nicely. BJ#79

donnalouiserodgers said...

Prada sunglasses - get You

once I knew they were there I had eyes for nothing else!

dxxx thanks for coming my way earlier

Redanne said...

Hi Sandee, I love the latest page for the album and love the sandcastle on the one on your desk. The wreath is beautiful, such a lovely thing to have as a memory. But - love your funky glasses on your desk - and since you love the Olympics I am popping something in the post to you tomorrow, so watch out! Thanks for the mention! Crafty hugs, Anne x #9

Anonymous said...

Love wreaths yet never seem to get around to making them. Yours is very nice. So envious of your upcoming beachy holiday. I would LOVE to escape rainy England for a bit but sadly our only "holiday" this year is driving all the way up to even less summery Scotland to drop D back off at Uni. Maybe a hotel pool with bright lights? That will be as close too a beach as I'll get this year. {sigh}


MA (1)

PS found you at #50

sandra de said...

Great idea for the holiday album. I love the glass wreath it sounds so interesting. But best of all is your table with all the little bits and pieces that must be out so that we remember to pick up all the things we need to take!
Sandra @ 31

VonnyK said...

Love those mini album pages, the sand castle is so cute and love the sign on the other one, Did you make the glass wreath, it's fabulous.
Have a great week.
Von # 44

SueH said...

What A fab project you have on your desk this week Sandee, your mini album is going to be a great way to remember all those special moments from your trip.

And how lovely is that floral wreath over the table. At first I thought it was just silk flowers but on closer inspection (Zoom In) I see it is full of pretty beads, butterflies and hearts and the muted shades are just beautiful.

Thanks for visiting me this week.
Happy Crafting!

Mari K. said...

I love that mini page and I may have to "borrow" that saying! We vacationed at my parents' beach house and I'm working on a collage for them to hang there, that would be perfect for it! Have a great week! -Mari #106ish

Mary Pat Siehl said...

page 3 looks awesome!

The Determined Scrapper said...

Thanks for visiting. That was actually my grandmothers house that I had the graduation party at. Those trinkets are the only ones that she has left after that house was a complete loss in a house fire last year. It was rebuilt from the ground up.

Enough of the sappy stuff. On to your upcoming vacation....OMG your mini is wonderful. It is so stinkin cute and I love the saying you found.

Again thanks for the visit. Hope to see you next week.

Mindy - The Determined Scrapper

Sandy said...

Love the wording on your sign. Your page is great very beachy. Love your other pages too they look great. Your little birds are cute too funny about his eye made me chuckle. Hope you have fun making the stationery box it was a great project fun to make. Sandy :)

Morti said...

I love your travel album, your friend is going to love it. The glass wreath is pretty special too, and very attractive. I bet it gets lots of comments from visitors, but I also bet it's a nightmare to dust, eh?

Thanks for stopping by.

Neesie said...

This is my second attempt to leave a message Sandee ~ I just hope it works.
What a brilliant idea for you to keep wonderful treasured memories safe. I love the fence and quote. :D
Happy WOYWW ~ Neesie #13
(Pressing the button again and hoping it reaches you!)

Sunshine Girl said...

Thanks for visiting me - the cupcake on my desk is a needlecase! would you have guessed that I wonder??

Deb said...

your album is looking amazing, so love how you created the fence too look authentic on the beach. You wreath is so beautiful too and what a treasure holding your Moms precious pieces!

MvM-design said...

hi Sandee from the hills of North Carolina! Always fun to read your sweet comments, hope you are asleep right now?!
Have a great week!!
Marleen from the flat(no hills) Holland ;-)#54

Unknown said...

Hi Sandee thanks for stopping by! If you scroll down my blog a bit you will find a link to the lady who's instructions I am following to make my light box. I absolutely love the glass wreath with tiny treasures from your Mum. It is beautiful. WOYWW Hugs from Helen 18

Anonymous said...

I love that glass wreath Sandee, did you make it? Have fun at the beach, your little album is so cute, love that saying. Hubby built me that light box too btw!! He made it from foam board and cheap plastic plumbing pipes to hold the two lights!

Brenda 8

Shoshi said...

Great page, Sandee! and that wreath looks gorgeous - amazing it's made of so many broken treasures!

Thanks for visiting!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #3

Queen Lightwell said...

I found you! You follow me and I wanted to follow you back but your blog isn't linked right under your profile so I couldn't figure out which one was yours and now I have, woohoo! :)
So, I love your little drawers, how handy are those, right? And I totally got the exact impression you were aiming for with your beach was just brilliant of you to think of those details though and make sure they were all perfectly executed. Excellent job! I think your friend is going to be really delighted with the mini-scrapbook. I know I would be! :) Thanks for the peek, not I have to go see the cover and first 2 pages...
Deeyll #138

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Sandee,

What a great idea to use pieces that belonged to your mom to make a wreath! You should pin that! ;-)

I really missed WOYWW last week but am back now!

Kay #36

CraftygasheadZo said...

Looks like you've been busy! I'm MIA today, still not good, legs are weird and only working sporadically so there's nowt happening here! But I did receive some new stamps today so going to get them out to colour soon, need to do something. It's driving me mad! Take care, am not doing WOYWW this week, not been too good so there isn't anything on my desk to see! Zo xx

Annie said...

Hi Sandee found you via WOYWW. Loving your album.....a fabulous piece for your friend to treasure. Love your desk too......aren't we all so lucky. Now your newest follower, sending you crafty hugs from Scotland x

Princess Judy Palmer said...

You are such a good friend to make your pal a mini album to use on your fabulous beach vacation. I just love the sea and the beach! Probably because I've never been so I can make it as lovely as I want in my mind. I have a bunch of K and Company beach themed stuff that I bought to play with someday... well it was going to be right away but something happened. Anyway, Love the journal page and the effort you put into it. I can feel the ocean breeze from here and it smells so fresh!

Is that Tacky Glue I spy on your desk?! Yessss! I use it too, but I don't recommend it to people unless they can be trusted. I've seen too many people squeeze it out like they are putting ketchup on fries. Evil! It will buckle and never dry so then they are unhappy. If you can be very frugal with it, go for it!

That wreath is gorgeous!

KatzElbows said...

What mess? Where's the mess? I'm pretty sure my desk is messier than yours. Not that it's a competition, but you saw the state of my toolbox!

And what a wonderful sentiment on your sign. Perfect for a beautiful day, just like today.

cheers, rachel #7

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I love everything about that glass wreath, the glass, the sentiment, everything. I think it would be fab if you did a post just about that one day!
Hugs, LLJ #70 xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

WOW!! I love the page, even before any photo gets added. What attention to detail!

kay said...

your album is going well :)
kay #65

Erika said...

Hi Sandee love your mini book. Another very neat space today, everyone is putting me to shame! Especially the bits you don't see in my photo, LOL. Have a super Wednesday and happy crafting, hugs Erika. #100

Ali H said...

great project ! thanks for stopping by - hope you did finally get some sleep ! Ali #53

Katie said...

Your mini album is looking awesome! I love how you added dimension to the sign and altered the fence. It really does look like its falling apart because the beach is eroding!

Joynana said...

Love the shape of your mini and can't wait to see it finised. Thanks for stopping by my blog. #30

RosA said...

I had to get a closeup of that wreath. It is SO beautiful! (Did you make it?)

Lorinda.C.F said...

Happy WOYWW Sandee! I love your mini album. Something to keep you busy during the tortuous wait for vacation to start! :-) Thanks for visiting my desk this week! xx

Kath Stewart said...

Hi Sandee...thanks for sharing what you're up to ...happy woyww hugs kath xxx

Annie said...

Love the sound of the wreath...what a lovely way to keep memories and that page is looking the saying.
A x #76

Di said...

Wow that wreath is wonderful! And such a great mini album too :) Di xx #10

April said...

Wow! The glass wreath is just stunning!! love the teapot idea and your album pages are looking great x April #89

Kirsty.A said...

Always lovely to see what poeple are doing. the mini book looks great. I'd love to see more detail of that glass wreath - looks amazing

The House of Bears said...

We love that wreath, what a wonderful keepsake. Your mini book is looking good. Thanks for stopping by at the bears' blog.

Francesca said...

Thanks for stopping by at my blog. Yes the garden does take time but I'm in it pottering everyday. Love your pages and the wreath caught my eye. Francesca #93

Bernice said...

You're making god progress with your mini album - such a great wee saqying on this page. Doesn't look like we're going to have any beach weather here in the UK this summer :(

Glenda said...

Sorry to be late in commenting. Lovely desk this week and enjoy your beach vacation!

Peggy Cain said...

lovin' the mini album the slanted fence was a perfect touch. can't wait to see it all. have a great day!

Ann B said...

I'll go one better than your open drawers, I lift mine out and leave them scattered all over my table and chairs.
Beautiful wreath and a lovely idea for a permanent memento.

Thanks for visiting yesterday - I'm a bit late getting round this week,

Ann B

Unknown said...

The page is gorgeous! What a fab idea!

Emma #109

akilli melek said...

love mini albums, they make you feel all accomplished when you get one finished. I think they can be more fun than the 12x12 albums.

thanks for popping by earlier
caroline #63

Clare with paint in her hair said...

Love the wreath, need more close ups of that!

Kim said...

Thanks Sandee. I was so excited I won as you could tell from my email. :) can't wait till my package arrives.

Angenita said...

Thank you for your comment.
Love the wreath made with stuff of your mom. I think it's a great idea and it is a great way to use a lot of her stash. Think I gonna use that idea.

your book looks great. I like the shape of it and how you've dressed it.

Serendipity Stamping said...

Your mini-album is coming right along. Love the little hall table with all its goodies. Thanks for dropping by. #60

trisha too said...

Very fun pieces--and have a wonderful time on your trip!

:)trisha #153 this week, showing two desks!

Becky said...

Laughing about your drawers being open, I do the same thing. Your vacation sounds wonderful and how nice of you to make your friend a mini for the trip!

Darnell said...

Great post, Sandee! I love that sentiment about beach memories. Great, great work!! Thanks for coming by to visit me! (I'm so late!) Darnell #142

Neet said...

That's a super page but what really took my eye is the glass garland ring that is behind your favourite table. Any chance of a close up next week?
Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet 71 xx

Valerie said...

what a great mini album! Your friend will love it! my flat surface that collects stuff is my computer desk that is right by the front door! Thanks for visiting me! Valerie #157

Unknown said...

I am loving your pages. I like the quote you have used too. Thanks for visiting. It will soon be Wednesday again. LOL


Amy E said...

Oh wow...I LOVE the page you showed in your mini album!! What an artist you are! The fence posts look real and the way you gave your sign depth is amazing!!!! I'm going to be taking some tips from you!!!

Thanks for stopping by to take a peek this week!! See you again on Wednesday!

Amy E. #42

Susan ~ Killam Creative said...

That beach album is looking great! I checked out all the pages you've posted since this one and I love it (especially the one with the wine glass). Thanks for your visit to my desk the other day... I'm quite late for WOYWW, but at least I'm here!

Susan #126

Sandy Trefger said...

Love the looks of the mini album page! Thanks for visiting my WOYWW last week, I'm late it returning visits sadly.
sandy's crafty creations