Part 1
The beginning of 2011 wasn't the best mentally for me, I was going through an unwanted divorce, that's right, I got dumped for another woman. My spirits were definitely sagging and I had no idea of what I was going to do with my life. But there was one goal I wanted to achieve and it was to get published. I would lie in bed and repeat over and over that "I was going to be published"...I also said I was going to be famous too, lol...if your gonna dream, dream big, right? Well, I didn't achieve the famous part but I did manage to get published. Northridge Media, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul for accepting my creations and giving me the hope that things can be achieved if you try.
CARDS Magazine- May 2011 p. 111
Cricut Magazine - April/May 2011 p. 112
( one of my favorites cards for the year )
Cricut Birthdays - special edition - 2011 p.69
this one proves that submitting once sometimes isn't enough because I had to submit it twice before it was accepted!
Cricut magazine - June/July 2011 p. 92
Cricut Magazine - August 2011 p. 53 ( #1 )
This was a big moment for me as it was the first time that 2 cards were accepted for one magazine!!
Cricut Magazine - August 2011 p.52 ( #2 )
This was almost one of the most exciting moments of the year, because for a whole 30 seconds it had been requested to be published simultaneously in Cards magazine, but the next e-mail stated that it wasn't needed...oh well, I almost got over excited! lol
Cricut Cards - special edition p. 14 ( #1 )
Cricut Cards - special edition p. 110 ( #2 )
Paper Crafts - 365 Cards p. 37
I have to admit I love the fact that they pay you cash for your submission :)
Part 2
Well Part 2 just means I haven't received the magazines yet from Northridge, they usually send them out within a few months of being printed along with other "goodies". I admit I love seeing their box arriving AT MY DOOR! lol But I can post the projects since they have been seen in the magazines already. :) Part 2 also means the start of doing projects other than without further ado I'll just show the photos....maybe someone out there can tell me if they have seen them?

As the year closes I can look back and see several goals achieved, from the first card that was published, to having multiple projects accepted for one magazine, to having my first 2 page I am starting a new year with new goals....ok, being famous isn't one of them, HA! but I sure would love to make the front cover one day...hmmmm.....
oh and as for my mental state, 2011 has been a healing year too, I am moving forward, making new friends and carving out a new space for me in the world. Believe this or not, but every person that has visited my blog, left me a comment or joined as a "follower" has helped me in more ways than you know. Blogging has helped me to vent when needed, to express myself as desired and it's been surreal to feel that in some way I connected with one or two of you along the way. Thank you.