Wednesday, January 30, 2013

gambit: noun

a chess opening in which a player risks minor pieces to gain an advantage
 a remark intended to start a conversation
 a calculated move
Hello WOYWW stalkers visitors!!
Welcome to my mess :)
Instead of my desk, I thought I'd show you the sordid floor picture. This is to the left of my desk and must be stepped OVER to get to my desk. The general mess can stay like this for weeks on end too...just shameful. On my basket of Really Reasonable Ribbon; I have my mixed media coasters almost ready to go for mailing, 2 Easter cards for the ART MoB that just need sentiments on the front before being packaged up, papers for my "local flavor" cards that I make for the Art Mob and my dish from breakfast....oh and upside down magnet that recently got knocked down and is forlornly laying there.


I wanted to show this card on a WOYWW post as there are so many of you that really enjoy Tim Holtz and the Blueprint Stamps by Mario. I found this font and thought of your ladies.
You might need to click on the picture in order to see it better but it's called
Here is the card which is entered in:
Paper Playtime - Challenge #2 Use some brown
( this is what I referred to when I said "local flavor" cards
Creative Imaginations - squirrel from paper
American Traditional Designs - Evergreen Forest paper
Faber Castell - PITT pens
Mystery solved
Not that you knew I had a mysterious situation, but alas, I did.
I have a suet feeder that has had it's flimsy chain broken now twice this past week. Which meant that it has fallen and had to be retrieved and fixed each time. I have had to resort to a heavier clip and been blaming my squirrels although it didn't seem possible. I've seen their acrobatics out there, hanging from the arm to feed on the suet but didn't think it was possible for them to break the chain, because I've never seen their entire weight on the suet cage. They always hang using their hind feet to hold them up.
 Plus the arm of the feeder is always knocked askew which also seemed weird, which I thought was the raccoons trying to pull the suet over to the railing so they could get to it...until..I witnessed....
the attack of the big ass crow!
I wish I had gotten a better picture for you but this is one huge crow; that attacks the suet feeder with gusto. I think his weight alone is what broke the chain and after his tangle with the feeder the arm is pushed around almost back onto the porch!
A mystery solved!


Queenie Jeannie said...

Crows are SUCH a pain!!! But, I guess they have to eat too, huh? And the poor squirrel got the blame, lol!

My floor, desk, table, etc etc etc looked just like your pile, and I finally tackled it ALL yesterday. I just couldn't take it anymore.

Happy Crafting!
Jeannie #12

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. Yes, I also have a lot of stuff on my craft room floor. There is a clear passage from the door to the chair, but then I have to step/climb over everything else. I am dreaming of the day when it is all organised. Squirrels - the phone line for all the houses/farms in this area are not working due to a squirrel chewing the cables in a box a few miles away. Will not be repaired until Friday! Ali x #34 ps That font is glorious

BJ said...

Oh I do so love your nature posts, first the deer now the mystery solved. Oh and sort the floor out won't you! Happy WOYWW BJ#42

Helen said...

You have some great pictures today, glad you solved your mystery! The floor looks very very familiar to me, I can say!! The contents may differ, but the theme - oh boy I am with you!! Helen 9

ria gall said...

Love the card and your photos are fantastic, what would we do without floor space?

Lucy said...

Every great artist has a pile of 'get around to it later'! Those creeping critters! I love sqirrels so can never be mad with them for long! Lucy #23 x

Claudia N. said...

I SO love your "mess", sandee! Feel like home immediately, when I see a space that bears "creative chaos" like this :)

Awesome pictures of the crow and the squirrels! I love crows (we have a lot around here and they are awesomely intelligent birds - sometimes they play with my dog - no joke!).

Have a wonderful WW!

Claudia xx

Claire said...

aaahhh!! the floor - tis just another desk/storage space, i reckon!!
love all the pics - catching that crow mid-flight is a great photo!

The House of Bears said...

Ah a dish of crumbs is a crafter's must in our opinion, keep the energy up in order to complete more projects.

Hugs from the bears @#80 this week

Glenda said...

Lots going on here this week. Love the card and all the pictures of the great outdoors! Cute squirrel...I have one that comes for sunflower seeds!

Eliza said...

I have seen the power of the bird, those mighty beaks are amazing in strength, there is a bird that smashed hard nuts to feed from their beaks are so strong, they have to be to penetrate the nut, amazing.

Hey love the floor pile, awesome and I think that paper you have is one like on a christmas card I received this year.


Mary Pat Siehl said...

oh what an adorable card and i love the heart!! great job

Roudi said...

Sandeeee. ♥
I love your card with the little squirrel. So cute!
Your coasters look fantastic, too!

Happy WOYWW from Egypt. xx
Roudi # 94

Minxy said...

I'm glad im not the only one who spills over onto the floor, although mine is clear ATM, love your squirrel card, and the feeder pics, I'm always amazed when I see bigger birds having a go at the tiny feeders, but I guess they all gotta eat! I have rowdy jackdors harassing my feeders from time to time.
Happy Desk Hopping Day
Hugz Minxy #59

Unknown said...

I think we all have the floor creativity going on! I don't think it's possible to create and be tidy at the same time! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #104

Katie said...

That is one huge crow! I'm glad you solved the mystery!

My floor looks very similar to your floor...

Julia Dunnit said...

Lordy - that is one big ass crow. Damn things they scare everything else away and wreck the place's a great shot because they are so quick! I love that ignorant about the new TH stuff, but am a font junky at all times!

Terry said...

Great pictures! Love that adorable card and all your squirrels are fabulous! Enjoy your day in North Carolina!

Lindsay Weirich said...

I'm no stranger to the "crap on the floor" syndrome...I have to be careful because I am prone to tripping over junk in the dark on the floor of my studio while on my way to the light switch..many a bruised shin LOL! Happy WOYWW~! Lindsay #137

Unknown said...

How can I keep my work area tidyish if I don't have the floor for the overspill. Wow the size of that crow, I only have wood pigeons that mess up when trying to balance on things that are too small for them but they are so funny.I used to put fat balls out on the mesh tray on my feeder for the pigeons and the blackbirds until I saw a squirrel pick it up, throw it on the floor, pick it up again and then carry it to the border and bury it. I now break them up!

Anonymous said...

Well look at that photo, that's something to crow about!! Or not, seeing as he's wrecking your feed station! Love that font, it's great! Don't love the floor though, that's not so great although I'm not showing mine as it's no better!!!

Brenda 91

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Sandee
great pictures of the attack of the crow.... maybe you should make another lovely card....... crackers about crows!!!

Nelle said...

I bet all in the crafting world would have to admit to a floor just like yours at one time or another, me included.
The crow took me back to holls in Sri Lanka. The crows would swoop and pinch even the butter portions if you turned away. I did make me chuckle, Sorry.
Nelle xx #75

Unknown said...

Dang you are one busy woman!!!Love the "nuts" card and might I say...That IS one big ass Crow. :)
Have a great day.

Nicky said...

Wow that's a lot of stash on the floor lol - I can only craft once everything is tidy - great picture of crow - have a brilliant week - Nicky 13

Anne said...

Oh yes I've got stuff on the floor as well. In fact today I've spread from dining table, floor ,windowsill, top of sideboard,out into kitchen table, worktops and so on. It's pigeons that really bug me at the bird feeders!! Anne #144

Elizabeth said...

Hi Sandee, shameful mess, yes, but nice coasters. I've learned not to leave anything on the floor because, sure as eggs is eggs, I will trip over it - and at my age that could be fatal :) Great pic of the crow attacking your suet cage. Hope you've had a happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x #71

JoZart Designs said...

Love the Nature watch! Big Ass too right!
Now as for your floor, are you n competition with my place? I am doing so much just now, paper crafting, sewing, Knitting and crochet I have stuff everywhere so today it all got pushed into our dining room until I can face it.
Love Jo x

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

In our case, it is the squirrel that does the damage to our bird feeders. If they cannot get the food out, then they steal the entire feeder. We have seen then running down the garden with the feeders in their mouths. Be the way, the birds on the feeder in my blog header are goldfinches, very pretty little birds. I am also guilty of having piles of stuff on the floor, but I am trying to clear that up for the sake of the dogs, who would like to join me in my my craft room. Thank you for your visit today and have a good week. xx Maggie #11

Claire Grantham said...

Love the mystery story. That squirrel looks pretty hefty though :) I did have a sordid floor, but I got all 'tidy' aka hubby put it in a bag and it's hanging from my wardrobe.. Happy WOYWW Cx #88

Queen Lightwell said...

WOW! That crow looks like its twice or more the size of that squirrel! Just wow! And that floor...words fail me! lol No, you know my organization lovin' self...I'd just put it all in a pretty basket and pretend like it was all *supposed* to be in there. ;) And then I wouldn't have to step over it, just around it. lol :) Anyways, thanks for sharing dear! Hugs, Deeyll #147

RosA said...

Well, you're not alone, much of my floor looks like that!
Seeing your squirrel pic reminds me that we need to deal with the possum residing (uninvited) in the ceiling.
Happy WOYWW, RosA # 64

Ali said...

I have news for you.. my floor is *worse* than that. :lol: I pretty much have a narrow path from the door to the desk! :D

Awesome photo of the big ass crow! :)

Ali #73

Nan G said...

Yep a busy desk! Love the painty flowers in the lower left. Wow! That is a big ass crow! Yea they can be very aggressive when there's food that they want. Hw

April said...

We'll have to call you Sherlock Holmes - LOL. I love the card - the squirrel is adorable. And how appropriate to find that stamp. :-)
April #101

Anonymous said...

That font was a fun find. I'm on the fence about the blueprint stamps. It's certainly an innovative idea. I find myself thinking I'd like the images more without all the arrows and labels . . .

True confession: there is stuff on my floor, too. After I wash off my stamps and stencils, I put them to air dry on a paper towel on the floor. I've got a copy paper box top that I use for misting (now lined with waxed paper -- I think you were the one who inspired me to do that -- thanks!)

Happy WOYWW on Friday from Laura #105

Mrs.B said...

Loved the pics - the squirrel looks so cute - shame about the crow.
Avril xx