Wednesday, March 27, 2013

hallmark: noun

a mark put on an article to indicate origin, purity, or genuineness
 a distinguishing characteristic, trait, or feature
Yep, that's me these days and since a lot of you follow the ups and downs to my Art MoB, you will find me adapting to what sells and what doesn't sell. Remember the St. Patrick's Day cards I made? I wasn't even sure when I made them if they would sell or not ( mainly 'cause I don't send out St. Patrick's day cards )... well, they didn't sell. Not one single card. lol
On the bright side, I have 20 cards to try again with for next year!
If you want to know how the Christmas cards did, check in tomorrow and you'll find out. If you want to know what's on my desk today, it's a project that I have been working on for Tracy Weinzapfels March Creative Dare. I have been gluing on buttons today and finishing it up. On the shelf you can see a dog house, cow and carrot card that never got finished for one reason or another. Everything else is just a mess, I have been a very little busy bee crafting and my desk is showing it, let's not even discuss the floor beside me.

So let's nose around visit each other, gossip talk and have FUN!


scrappymo! said...

Retail business is so varied and random it seems...sorry about the St Paddy's day cards but as you say you will have them for next year.

Looking forward to seeing this new creation unveiled!

Eliza said...

I don't know one person that celebrates st paddys day so your news doesn't surprise me.

You learn by trial and error.

Happy Easter and WOYWW greetings
Eliza 8

Neet said...

Shame about the selling not having worked. Good luck with the next venture, do let us know how you get on.
Waiting for the button creation reveal.
Happy WOYWW - Hugs, Neet 1 xx

Ann B said...

I read your blog a 'cow and carrot card' ie, both together and zoomed in for a closer look at such an unusual combination. Made me smile though. Sorry you didn't get to sell the St Pat's cards. Not a big deal over here either and lots of us are of Irish descent being so close to Liverpool, the nearest port to Ireland. When I was at school quite a few girls wore shamrock on the day but I never heard of cards being sent. Better luck with your Christmas cards, at least you know they will be popular.
Ann B

Words and Pictures said...

So hard to predict what people are going to go for, but I'm sure you'll find buyers next year... I've missed a few, but happy to be back (and with my mother in tow this time!)... Happy WOYWW!
Alison x

The Taming of the Glue said...

I have so many half finished projects that it gets scary if I think about it! My problem is that I have the concentration of a butterfly...always wanting to move on to the next thing! Pam #21

Redanne said...

Hi Sandee, I thought your St Pats cards were lovely too, that's the fickle public for you I guess. Love that cow on your shelf, that would be a really cute card. The tissue box with the buttons looks good too. Hope you have a happy Easter. Hugs, Anne x #33

Helen said...

Sorry your St Patricks Day cards didn't sell this year. I am sure the Christmas ones will. Have a good week. helen, 12

Claudia N. said...

Lol, sandee,

why do i exactly know what your floor may look like?

I really would love to see who inhabits the dog house some time... ;)

Have a great workdesk wednesday!!

Claudia xx

Unknown said...

Lots of creative busy-ness going on there. Thanks for sharing and Happy Woyww Liz @ 69

BJ said...

Could you update any of the St Patrick's day cards to make birthday cards perhaps?
I made a load of Thank You cards for a Christmas Fair once and they didn't sell either. At least I could say "thank you" to people with them afterwards!
Loving the button box. BJ#67

Winnie said...

I am loving that tissue box with the buttons! How fun! Sorry to read about the St. Paddy's cards. I ran out of time this year to do them and only made a tag for a friend who wanted one made (she pays, so I do her requests first) and I have to laugh, as mom called on St. Paddys day to ask where her card was! I have been selling my cards at the office and it is going well, have enough cards to keep me busy for now. I want to do an ETSY shop or something, but don't seem to get the time to stock one. I will browse your shop, as I am sure it rocks. Winnie#78

Francesca said...

I do like the tissue box decorated with the buttons. People are fickle when it comes to selling cards. I have the same problem never know what people will like. Have a good day Francesca #79

Glenda said...

You are so right.....we are not going to even think about the floor! Today is going to have to be a deep cleaning day for this room. The dust bunnies are taking over!
Glenda #66

Cardarian said...

Oh your desk has so many interesting things! Really enjoyed the snoop!
Lots of hugs,

Heathers Inspiration said...

Hope that your next projects sell well x
I find people like blank for any Occassion cards as it gives them versatility of use.
Happy WOYWW heather #86

My name is Cindy said...

I really never understand why people buy some stuff and not others. I sell a few cards at work and things I think are gorgeous just don't seem to go. And don't even try arty farty stuff. So I have got to know my market LOL. I love that cow btw. Busy looking desk - I am also on the floor this week, something I try to avoid because, well, it makes it impossible to move!! Have a Happy Easter, Cindy xx

Jean said...

Your desk is still quite clean! Can't wait to see your dare project!

Mary Pat Siehl said...

lots of goodies on your desk!! looks like a fun place to create

The House of Bears said...

Hello from the bears @#96, we're liking your busy looking desk today. Sorry to hear your cards didn't sell. We made Easter cards once then found no one else sent them! Oh well. It's all an experiment with craft isn't it?

SueH said...

It’s a shame about your cards especially as they seem to be making more and more of the St Patricks Day celebrations. I’ve never made St Patricks Day Cards myself but have had the same problem selling Easter cards in the past, so I don’t make them anymore.

Happy Crafting!
Sue @ 101

Roudi said...

I've missed you! Just wanted to tell you how awesome you are for introducing me to Jamie. She's the sweetest gal!

Aww sorry about your cards. I thought they would sell. They were pretty nice if you ask me. :)

Love you loads. xx
Roudi #102

Spyder said...

I didn't do a St pats card this year, well, I do have a couple of leprechaun digi's so if I need one, they are easy to put together, can I see a cow, isn't she cute! ooh, ideas for a new digi!! Have a lovely Easter, Happy woyww
((Lyn)) #10

ria gall said...

a lovely busy desk you have there today I am having a real noisy at all your crafting stash.
It is very interesting to hear what is selling and what isn't, people just don't have the money at the moment to spend on our lovely things
Have a really great WOYWW day
Ria #94

Angie said...

Good Morning to you and how come St. Patty gets no love? I did a crafty fair thing once, made birthday cards out the wazoo cause well you figure everyone buys birthday cards. Nope, not a single one sold, but some of the baby cards did how weird that was! Loving the cow and carrot must be a story in there somewhere!
Have a great day!
Angie #109

Christine said...

A messy desk is proof that you've been busy - sad about the card stock that is carrying over ...... better luck next year!
Bishopsmate #126

famfa said...

I have never sent a st Patrick's day card and can't I imagine doing so but I guess if you are Irish...... Sorry they didn't sell, sure you will have better luck with others.
Famfa 111 - love the look of your desk

Unknown said...

Well I just can't get over that button tissue box. So cute!! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #28

Anonymous said...

Sorry the cards didn't sell. It's so hard to know what people want. If you hadn't had them, you have been asked one hundred times if you did. lol! ugh! I LOVE your blog dream home awaits me there...somewhere. I just know it! ;) Enjoy it for the both of us. Hugs, SueC#137

CraftygasheadZo said...

Selling is always so hit or miss, not that I do, but even when I did have a table at the local church craft fair you could guarantee what people liked one year, they didn't the next! Never mind, you can't please them all but your work is fab, and I love your variety of different things that you alter! Take care my WOYWW friend. Zo xx 117

Marit said...

Sorry to hear your cards didn't sell, wish you luck next time! I love to see what you have on your desk, the tissue box with the buttons is cute - happy colors! Happy woyww, Marit #85

Darnell said...

Super cuteness going on all over the room there, Sandee!

Sorry about your St. Pat's cards. I have had the same experiences in the little boutique store that sells my cards. One year I'll sell 12 Valentine cards, the next year, not one! So it's smart to just tuck them away (but don't forget them!) and try again next year.

Have a wonderful week! Darnell #43

Laura said...

Sorry your cards didn't sell. The card market is a saturated market. Keep at it though!!
Happy Wednesday

Caro said...

Those different half-finished creations all look fab. I loved your comment about the floor...mine is the same! Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x #73

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Sandee shame about the cards, i dont think I have ever made a st patricks day card either, maybe as you say. . . next year. Your desk is looking very interesting... a carrot card? look forward to seeing that one finished.
janet #16

Carole Z said...

Hi Sandee, sorry about your St Paddy cards, we just don't celebrate it much over here in England..well I guess we'd have to celebrate St George more and we don't do that either! Your cards were lovely too! Lots of interest on your desk today, Carole #115

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Sandee
thanks for the link to carrot card... love it. It is a question we all ask from time to time does size matter

Anne said...

Hi Sandee shame about the cards. Have to say have never made/sent a St P's card. Only card I send that day is to my nephew as it's his birthday. His name is Eamon but that's where any Irish link begins and ends :-) Enjoyed having a good look at what's going on on your desk. Anne x #84

Pallavi said...

Oh sorry you haven't been selling I was actually thinking of opening a Scrap business where I make handmade greeting/journal cards..not sure what I'll do yet..either way hope you are having a happy woyww!

Katie said...

Yay! I love seeing your desk, since I still don't have one. Thanks for letting me pretend to be crafty :)

Nan G said...

Fickle retail peeps. Do love the Kleenex box and it's buttons. And oh!!....the glasses are to die for! Happy Easter and Happy WOYWW! Nan #115

Debs Willis said...

shame your St Paddy's cards didn;t sell, they were fun! And i really like that carrot card on the shelf - cute!

Happy woyww

debs #90

Gibby Frogett said...

Sorry to hear about the cards, sadly I think less cards sent due to postage charges. Lots of lovely things to see on your desk. Happy WOYWW Gillx #75

Becky said...

yay! Another NC girl! I'm a mid-state gal. Lovely desk!

Becky J #178

Elizabeth said...

Hi Sandee, how unpredictable is the card selling business? I would have thought that as St Patricks Day seems to be much celebrated, your cards would have been snapped up. Better luck next year. I like your paint palette mouse mat - very appropriate :) I wish you a happy Easter and an enjoyable weekend. Elizabeth x #45


G'day Sandee
I'm new to WOYWW and slow in getting around to seeing others desks though I am enjoying it! I used to sell cards too so I know how the not selling part feels. Your messy floor sounds interesting LOl
Annette In Oz #132

Twiglet said...

Bit late visiting this week - Just wanted to say..Happy Easter! x Jo

Alison Scott said...

Shame the St Patrick's day cards didn't sell.
Busy looking desk. Lots of interesting things to see.
I'm late coming round this week, was babysitting on wednesday and again tonight!