sweetheart, beloved person, darling
I think in reality the Liebster blog award should also be given back to the person who awarded it to you. After all it's meant to get us more followers and what better way to say thank you than to have more people go back to their blog and join as a follower? So I have been nominated twice this week which means I have 10 people to award this week. ( sorry I have been out of town on a scrapbooking crop so I am a little behind! )
First 2
First I want to say thank you to Zoe at CraftygasheadZo and to Nancy from Always a Story ~ Creations by Nancy for thinking of me! You are both sweethearts!
and the remaining 8
whom I am hoping everyone will visit their blogs, because there's an awesome variety of talented ladies; writing, gardening, crafting, and painting blogs, something for everyone to appreciate and please join as their followers!
I also had a wonderful box of Helmar goodies waiting for me on my doorstep when I returned from my scrapbooking week-end!
and the coveted red eraser...want to know the story behind the eraser?, then like Helmar FB page, and join the
I haven't done a Crookedbrains post lately so I will leave you with this cool little stapler:
Stampler: It looks and works like a normal stapler but it has a little addition; its an attachment that prints a smiling face design at the same time.

Congratulations on your award,when I have a little more time, I will pop along to your suggestions for a peek at their blogs. xx
Congratulations! Not once, but twice!! Nice way to come back from what sounds like a very fun weekend.
OMG! I was so busy reading your post I completely missed that you nominated me for the Liebster Blog award!!!! Thank you!! You are so sweet!
Thank you so much Sandee for nominating me for the Liebster Award! I am thrilled as I only started blogging just over a week ago. Wow!
More blogs to check out--Great! I'll have to come back and see what there is to see. I'm currently slowly sinking into the abyss that is the switchboard at work. If you truly believe there is no such thing as a dumb question come be a switchboard operator... I think I might need that stapler. And a vodka tonic.
Aw...The infamous red eraser! Ha Ha! Now I can see that eraser making some rounds around the blog world. Like geo-caching. ;)
Thank you Sandee for awarding me this.... you are too kind and I will visit everyone on your list!
I forgot to say congratulations to you. DUH!
Congratulations on the Liebster award and now I will have to see what the red eraser is about.
Thanks for your visit recently. I am only now playing catchup!
Hi Sandee
I can't find your email address. Can you email me here, foxglovehill@hotmail.co.uk
then I will be able to contact you by return.
Gwen xx
LOVE that Eraser and thank you Sandee for displaying our work of art LOL
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