Friday, April 28, 2017

Fairy Caravan

Wow, I have been slaving away, painting and building a "fairy caravan" for Meadow's garden, and yes, I do name my fairies. 😜 I removed her old weathered house and replaced it with this gypsy style caravan. You can watch a short slide show of what Meadow's old garden looked like here, personally, I think this new garden is much better!

I cut and glued on popsicle sticks to a carton... 

( I think I have the rounded tips to the popsicle sticks that I cut off lying around my craft room somewhere, everywhere ...those little suckers just fly off!! Wear eye protection when cutting them off, one flew off and hit me on the cheek and boy did that smart!! )

 ...and then painted it with a combination of Tattered Angels in Navy Blue and gesso through the April StencilGirl club stencil designed by Jennifer Evans. 
It's cool to note that gesso and Tattered Angel's navy blue produces an aqua colored blue...weird, but the proof is in the pudding...errrr...paint!

I love the back ♥ and the rhinestone wheels covered with Buckle Boutiques clear diamond sticker sheets. I mean fairies without bling is like ... boring!

A little detail from above...pretend you are a fairy flying over, go ahead...imagine...I won't tell :)

The pièce de résistance for me was the door and the steps, I love how it came out, especially those steps. I wasn't sure how I was going to make them but it came to me while I was in bed almost asleep, and you guessed it...out I came in my nightie to the craft room to make them! lol 
Have you done that? I know you have!

I added some other small items new to her garden like the pot of flowers I made and I had to buy new plants so I am trying out some miniature Pennywort and will see how they hold up.

and I purchased a small water fountain...

And the observant fairy might notice the string of solar powered lights surrounding her garden, I also have some tucked away inside the caravan and I can't wait to see how they look at night. I hope we get some sunshine today to power them up, we have had like 3 days of rain here, great for Sandee's garden but not so great for the fairy garden, lol

If you like to fairy garden and want to show off yours 
or just like looking at what others are doing then
feel free to join us on my Facebook Fairy Garden Art page.

Entering Meadows gypsy style caravan in

and don't forget to leave a comment here for the  #SGPCCBmatchup, you have to the end of April to win!!

Saturday, April 22, 2017

New moon ritual

According to the law of physics, 
thoughts direct energy and energy follows thought.

Last night was the new moon and I decided to do this ritual   ( or at least close to it ) I'll take you step by step how I interpreted astrologist Molly Hall's suggestions. Whether or not you believe in the power of the moon is not important, but practicing rituals of positive thinking will indeed benefit you.


 Gather Sacred Supplies: I had purchased these stones on a day trip with one of my friends Marcy up to Asheville so I thought they would be perfect for adding a symbolic property to my ritual. Being an avid art journaler I knew I was going to like this ritual as it said that having a small journal on hand was a great way to record your intentions.

Preparing for the Ritual: I didn't have sea salt nor a bathtub as suggested but I had a sea salt scrub and a shower so I went and took a shower and scrubbed away all the negative energies. Using my previous mantra from the full moon rituals I kept repeating "this no longer serves me" after thinking of a negative action I wanted to stop doing to myself.

Grounding: This worked out well, as one of my stones is Jasper, a grounding stone so I visualized the suggested technique while holding the stone against my heart.

Your New Moon Wishes: and Dreams of the Soul: I combined both of these into one and wrote everything down in my journal with a water soluble pencil because I planned on using an "underwriting" technique common in art journaling when you really don't want to have what you wrote to be visible to anyone else.
Underjournaling, where your writing is hidden but seen at the same time

Symbolic Acts: This is where the article states, "it's time to be creative" and I can smile at that because my creative juices began flowing the minute I started reading the article, lol I would like to take a moment to express that the only thing I am adamant about is NOT releasing helium balloons, they are harmful to our wildlife and to our environment but you get the idea, she means to use something to inspire your intention-setting ritual. For me, that turned out to be journaling, and for you, it may be something entirely different.
Practicing drawing shadows

Keep them Alive: To do this I have placed my stones in this lovely pouch and placed them by my bed so that every night up until the full moon I can take them out and mediate what I worked on in my journal. Meditating/praying is also a great way to relax you before sleeping to clear your mind and it takes time to learn to focus on one thought and not letting your mind wander so don't be discouraged but keep working at it.
Placed where I can remember to use them every night before sleep

And here is my completed art journal page.

I hope this inspires you to think positive thoughts and to get into the practice of meditating every day on them and hopefully you will begin to see some results. I also have a Facebook group called Moon People if you would like to join us. 

Friday, April 21, 2017

Bibliophile superpower!

Image may contain: text

I stand proud atop a mountain of books scanning the horizon for novels to be perused and discovered...for I am Bibliophile me conquer the libraries one book at a time....

OK, OK, that may be a slight exaggeration but I do make a list each year of books to read and I like to mark them off as I go along to see if I can accomplish my literary feat set before myself. I created a list using my trusty manual typewriter ( have I mentioned how much I am enjoying using it in my journals? thinks I have a couple of times, lol )

The painted frames came about from prints I was pulling off my gel plate on a scrap of paper and I liked how much it looked so I kept it continuing pile of papers that I seem to keep, but at least I do use them as evidenced below!

 I have a book series which I included in a small booklet as a flip out from Canvas Corp. 7gypsies Starter Journal - Kraft Mini decorating it with the 7gypsies Wanderlust: Open New Doors papers and then stenciling the Planner Spiral Notes 4 stencil by Mary Beth Shaw for StencilGirl. After the paint had dried I placed it in my typewriter and typed all the books in the series. I plan to be finishing off the first book in the series today so by the time you read this post I will be starting the next book.

Enter my subtle but not to be overlooked superpower in

And don't forget ye villains and superheroines to visit this page and leave a comment so you can be entered to win this!
Image may contain: text

Have a book you'd like to recommend?
 I would love to hear from you!

Friday, April 14, 2017

Earth Angel

This month StencilGirl Products is collaborating with Canvas Corp Brands 
to show you unique ways to use StencilGirl stencils with a variety of 
Canvas Corp Brands surfaces and Tattered Angels Paint Kits!

Be sure to check out the details at the end of this post on how you can win a wonderful prize package worth over $50 in goodies from StencilGirl Products and Canvas Corp Brands!

My matchup continues with the 7gypsies Starter Journal Cover 8.5x11 from Canvas Corp. and the Angel Circle stencil designed by Kate Thompson. I love continuing the halo effect outward to cover the entire page. 

Totally digging the typewriter! After tearing out my wing ( using water to paint the shape I wanted, letting it soften the paper and then tearing along those lines ) I inserted it into the typewriter to type cool, right?

Linking up to

What would a matchup be without a fun prize!!!!

Here’s your chance to get your hands on a products from StencilGirl Products and Canvas Corp Brands.
All you need to do is….

  • leave a comment here on any or all of the Matchup Posts during the month of April with StencilGirl Products and CCB.
    You can leave one on each post for more chances to win. Don’t forget to include the hashtag #SGPCCBmatchup so we can find you!!!
  • and/or leave a comment on the CCB Facebook page or StencilGirl Products Facebook page. Don’t forget to include #SGPCCBmatchup so we can find you!!!
  • and/or leave a comment on any of the CCB Instagram posts or StencilGirl Products Instagram posts where you see any of the projects from the CCB team or the SGP team.
    Don’t forget to include #SGPCCBmatchup so we can find you!!!
  • You can follow along by searching #SGPCCBmatchup. If you love what you see and would like to join the Facebook group CCB Collective â€“ ask to join today.
  • You can find all StencilGirl Products in our shop –
  • Shop Canvas Corp Brands at 
  • We will be sharing projects the entire month of April – learn new techniques, see how new products are used and be inspired with great ideas from members of the SGP and CCB creative teams.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Hoppy Birthday card

Just got my latest card back from the printer, I think it's so cute but then I do love bunnies ♥ I do have a video of me making it and if you would like to watch it then please click HERE. It's very short, just a speed drawing and water coloring.

I've been out in my flower garden weeding, planting and watering.
How are you enjoying this Spring weather?

Friday, April 7, 2017

Clouds are like your imagination

 This month StencilGirl Products is collaborating with Canvas Corp Brands 
to show you unique ways to use StencilGirl stencils with a variety of 
Canvas Corp Brands surfaces and Tattered Angels Paint Kits!

Be sure to check out the details at the end of this post on how you can win a wonderful prize package worth over $50 in goodies from StencilGirl Products and Canvas Corp Brands!

For my project this week...
I painted this lovely mountain scene in my 7gypsies Starter Journal Cover 8.5x11 from Canvas Corp. using  StencilGirls Rural City Mountainscape stencil by Andrew Borloz as my starting point and then added some fluffly clouds and some wording. I was very pleased at how well 7gypsies Starter Journal - Ivory - 8.5x11 pages did with all the paint and I love that I can order more pages to add to the journal itself. It says the cover can hold 3 booklets so I'll need to order 2 more! Canvas Corp., you enabler you! lol
Linking up to
Paint Party Friday :)

 I hid a bunny ( maybe you can see it in the picture below ), a bird, an angel, a heart and a fish in the clouds. See if you can find them :)

What would a matchup be without a fun prize!!!!

Here’s your chance to get your hands on a products from StencilGirl Products and Canvas Corp Brands.
All you need to do is….
  • leave a comment here on any or all of the Matchup Posts during the month of April with StencilGirl Products and CCB.
    You can leave one on each post for more chances to win. Don’t forget to include the hashtag #SGPCCBmatchup so we can find you!!!
  • and/or leave a comment on the CCB Facebook page or StencilGirl Products Facebook page. Don’t forget to include #SGPCCBmatchup so we can find you!!!
  • and/or leave a comment on any of the CCB Instagram posts or StencilGirl Products Instagram posts where you see any of the projects from the CCB team or the SGP team.
    Don’t forget to include #SGPCCBmatchup so we can find you!!!
  • You can follow along by searching #SGPCCBmatchup. If you love what you see and would like to join the Facebook group CCB Collective â€“ ask to join today.
  • You can find all StencilGirl Products in our shop –
  • Shop Canvas Corp Brands at 
  • We will be sharing projects the entire month of April – learn new techniques, see how new products are used and be inspired with great ideas from members of the SGP and CCB creative teams.