Thursday, September 27, 2012

curlicue: noun

a fancifully curved or spiral figure
Try it on Tuesday - Lots of Layers September Challenge 2
Just Add Water Silly - You Choose
Recycle, Re-Purpose & Re-Invent - Anything Goes September
Anything But A Card - Texture
Simon Says Stamp - Anything Goes
So many techniques, but here are a couple highlights:

Lots of embossing with the Donna Downey dress form stamp, I used black, bronze and silver embossing powders. Then I cut the stamped dress form using my Fiskars finger tip knife for the ribs and the outside. For the smaller curlicues I used water and soaked the areas and then pulled the paper away from the embossed flourishes which worked very well. Thank goodness, or I would have gone crazy trying to cut them out!

 I also love the masking tape around the edges, it has such a wonderful transparent quality to it. I used pastel pencils and a charcoal pencil for the outside edge which I smudged with my finger. I also used my can of Frosted Spray paint to seal it!

As for the recycled materials, her dress is made from a used dryer sheet, the netting is from a bag of fruit, and the blue tissue paper from a present I had received awhile back.

and a short slide show of the creation, no talking, no music, just a couple of pictures!
( although maybe I need to up load a song to add to it? ) in the meantime, you might want to hum along ;p

I have to say that I really enjoyed the demo and I look forward to my next one coming up in October. ( yep, I signed up to do another one on October 6th ) I was surprised how much work I actually got completed and I got to know a couple of the artists from the studio a little better too!! It was a wonderful experience!  

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

aha moment: noun

an instant at which the solution to a problem becomes clear
Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
when I'm at my desk,
I'm thinking of you!
hee hee, well, maybe not all the time, but I do start thinking about WOYWW every Wednesday, hoping that I won't forget to post pictures and worried if I can keep it short! lol

Now that I have been trying to keep my craft desk neater, ( although I am slipping a little in the housekeeping and things are starting to pile up again, lol ) I have discovered that I have space to use my computer back here when needed. This morning as I am waiting on one of friends to arrive, I can work on my desk and watch out the window for her! ( she is coming over to check out my crafts in the Art MoB and I am buying her lunch for her birthday )

So on my desk, is my computer open to work on Thrusday's post where I will be talking and showing what I made while "demostrating" my mix media wall hanging last Saturday. It was a lot of fun, so come back tomorrow and hopefully ( crossing fingers, toes, and anything else required ), hopefully I will have a small, short slideshow to show the process used...and hopefully is the key word here! lol
My aha moment last week came when I discovered that I had enough real estate to mount a paper rack under my shelf so I wouldn't have to look for a paper towel everytime I need one. Love the accessibility! You can see the card sitting on the shelf that Jean sent to me, thanking me for her prize that she won a couple of weeks ago, wasn't that sweet of her? The card below peeking out below is a submission card, so I cannot show that one yet :)
There were 115 votes to tally...whoa nelly!
And the winner for the mini album is:
Julia S-W

Congrats Julia, e-mail me your address at so I can get your prize mailed out to you!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

final: noun

The last or one of the last of a series

I would like to say the final card is the ultimate card, maybe, maybe not...but for the fun factor, I am rating it a 10!...I'm having a small give away so I'm going to go back to each post, and for every comment you left your name goes into the drawing. So you have 7 chances to win if you post a comment for each day. If you win; I'll send you this SEI Photo album. It's brand new, I only opened the packaging and took it out so it would photograph better :)
{ size 5.5" x 6" }

I'll announce the winner on WOYWW Wednesday posting so you have several days to catch up on the posting to increase your chances in the drawing!
So onto the last card of the series...
This guy seems to think a disguise works wonders and he thinks his imitation of a cow is going to save him from becoming a Thanksgiving feast, and if you read his thoughts, he is quite proud of his ingenuity!

Stretch Your Imagination cartridge
Sakura pens
Reminisce black and white pens
hand stitched border
Best Creation's - Hello Fall

My favorite part of this card was making the paper bag that fits over his head. I used an actual bag and copied how it was folded and made a replica in's so cute, lol Ok, so they say little things amuse little minds...HA!

This concludes the week of turkey humor, if you missed any of the posts you can get them here:

Monday - you're next
Tuesday - soaring with eagles
Wednesday - Prozac
Thursday - 50 shades of Autumn
Friday eat ham
Saturday Thanksgiving poem
And in closing I would like to say....
Good luck and Gobble till you drop!


Are you looking for Project Pinterest? If so it's HERE!!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

fray: verb

to wear or cause to wear away into tatters or loose threads, esp at an edge or end
I just love this poem!
pattern paper and stickers - Best Creations
 I usually add a small line of glue to the ends of ribbons that I cut and that fray, but this time I added a dusting of some Martha Stewart glitter to the wet glue and I must say I like the effect. Although I might use my stickles next time though, a lot less messy! The sticker heart is lifted up with Helmar's Liquid Scrapdots.

Project Pinterest links here!

Friday, September 21, 2012

flop: noun

a complete failure 

My poor little turkey, desperate not to be eaten for Thanksgiving was submitted for publication but didn't get accepted. I thought it was cute, lol...oh well :) I always like to share my failures as well as my successes just to prove it's not how many times we fall that's important, but how many times you get back up that is important! And from my little quote mini album I made a couple of years ago is one of my favorites by Thomas Edison:
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work"

So here he is, and he gets another chance in Divas by Design: Challenge 53 Lovely Layers, where he has ( not including the card mat ) about 8 layers, 2 pattern papers, the die cut and the die cut layers, the twine and the ribbon, the sign ( made from a Reminisce sticker label ) and the lettering, if you count the rhinestone eye he actually has 9 layers.
It has some nice detail, dimension...inked and sandpaper edges, Sakura Glaze pen for his colored tail and snood...he is so cute I just want to eat him up....sorry little turkey! A little bit of Really Reasonable Ribbon for a finishing touch.
and I even decorated the inside too!
Short post today because tomorrow I will be doing a live demo at the Art MoB Studio making one of my wall art signs......yikes!  I hope I do OK and don't embarrass myself, any prayers will be greatly appreciated! lol I'm thinking of bringing my camera and trying to capture my work in progress, so if I do embarrass myself, you will get to see that too! HA!
And remember all you pinner addicts, to link up your projects to Project Pinterest!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

frill: noun

decorative paper cover
Oh, do I really need to say anything? I couldn't help myself when going through the journaling boxes of Best Creations, when I saw this tag, my mind immediately jumped into the gutter! The hand cuffs don't open so I had to cut off the frill in order to slide the handcuff on and then used my Helmars Liquid Scrapdot, to lift the frill on the same level as the handcuff.
 There are times that moments like this can reinforce hoarding tendancies. I mean, I've had those little handcuffs for around 10 years, not knowing what I was going to do with them, but kept them all the same, and now look! I wish I had a ton of them, guess I'll have to go internet surfing and see if I can find any, I got these ( I have 2 ) from a party, kept mine and the one from the guy I was dating....he's long gone, but long live the charms! lol
Tim Holtz - Distress markers
Doodlecharms cartidge
Unique Crafters Challenge - Anything goes for September 
Don't forget to link up your  

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

mojo: noun

 Self-confidence, Self-assuredness. As in basis for belief in ones self in a situation
Hi everyone venturing in from the wonderful world of WOYWW!!
( If you don't know what WOYWW is:
don't be lazy, don't be shy,
 just click on the link
 and you'll find out why!
 ( oh I rhymed...yay me! lol )
My desk this week...

I'm actually learning ( like at my age, I just NOW figured this out!! ) to be a little neater, put things away and wash my desk top between projects since I am now making projects for the store. I have come to realize that organization really helps out Mr. Mojo ( who knew he was a neat freak? ) Well, he is either a neat freak or maybe he just gets so bored with cleaning and organizing that his mind frees up with creative thoughts to mess it back up with...either way it's a win win situation!
If you don't follow my blog on a regular basis, you can catch up with this week's series of humorous Thanksgiving cards by going back to Monday and Tuesday's posts. :)

I know sometimes my family could have benefited from this:
Best Creations - paper
Tim Holtz - Distress markers
Doodlecharms cartridge
paper, and journal card - Best Creations
turkey cut from Doodlecharms

I would love for y'all to "like" both the studio where my stuff is displayed ( Art Mob Studios and Marketplace ) and my new personal business page ( Sandee's Artful Words ) on Face Book. You don't have to,
 but it is appreciated!!
Project Pinterest

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

snood: noun

The flap of skin that hangs over the turkey's beak is called a snood. It turns red when the turkey is upset or during courtship

Since I am entering this card into the PanPastel challenge, I try to do a little more artistic measures, like hand drawing the turkey and sign, painting, and using my old chalk set. ( As close as I can get to PanPastels, lol ) I have to say that their sponges and applicators are the best and I love the ones I purchased. ( even for the old fashion chalks ) I used my Sakura Glaze pens for the tail and snood, and my Pitt Pens to outline everything with.
I wanted the sign he is holding to stand out a little bit so I wiped some white acrylic paint on with my finger, and I have a dry Copic ( just haven't taken the time to refill it ) and swiped it over the edges. Again, ( like yesterday's card ) I printed my text out on regular paper and then laid my "sign" over it using an uplight box to trace over the words with my Pitt Pen. ( have I mentioned lately how much I love these pens?? )
PanPastel UK Challenge # 36 Autumn/Fall
Fab 'n' Funky Challenges - Harvest Festival #138


Project Pinterest

Monday, September 17, 2012

restricted: adjective

Kept within certain limits

I am enjoying the freedom to make cards with my sense of humor for the store. I never realized how restricted I felt before with the ones that I submit to the magazines!
 ( have to be sweet and conservative all the time )

So this week will be dedicated to my sense of humor, Thanksgiving style!!
What inspires you? Ramona over at Inspire Me Monday Week 37 asks that question, and it can be any answer; for's humor this week, and I hope you come back everyday to see a new card
 and hopefully smile...even giggle ( that's always better!! )

Pause Dream Enjoy - Challenge #37 Yellow and Red
and the question of the week:
What does the word "SCHOOL" make you think of?
Yellow School Buses? Red Apples?, makes me think of tests that I didn't study for!

I worked in my red and yellow colors on the quote box. I took some Ranger's Squeezed Lemonade Reinker and used my finger to spread it out, and then printed the sentiment out on a separate piece of paper and used my red ink pen to trace over it with the help of a light box.

( no, my handwriting isn't that neat on my own! )
Really Reasonable Ribbon - Autumn Colors with ribbon theme 

Sakura Glaze pen ( to color in the turkey's tail feathers )
Cricut - Stretch Your Imagination cartridge
Best Creations - paper
Tim Holtz - Distress markers
Really Reasonable Ribbon Brown Crochet Lace and Hemp Cord Pastel
( they must have sold out of the Pastel cording, but  wow, they got in a lot more different colors!)

And a special note:
Jenn from Just Add Water Silly who is a contributing editor of Featuring, where there's a huge selection of interesting articles on Zentangling, photography, Twitter & henna art, with lots more to keep you reading has announced a giveaway.
Purchase your pre-order copy of Issue 2 before September 21st and be entered into a draw to win ONE of thirty
inchies they are giving away.

Also,  FEATURING magazine wants YOUR art for their Theme Gallery and they ask readers to send in artwork to represent what that theme means to them. Their theme for Issue 3 is "Soundtrack Of My Life".

How cool does that sound?


And if that's not enough goodness, remember that Project Pinterest for September is up and running, so bring on those creations, big or small!!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

hypnotizing: transitive verb

To fascinate
Try it on Tuesday - Anything Goes For September
Anything But A Card - Challenge 2 Texture
After doing my background I tried something new for this piece,  I began layering wax paper between painting, gesso and inking. When the board was completely covered in wax paper I added the netting for the heart, the sentiment ( using the wax paper transfer technique ) and embellishments.

I discovered that Tim Holtz alcohol inks added to the paint drips gave a very cool effect. It re-acted to the paint like it was alive, swirling and running it's own course, hypnotizing to watch it happen!
acrylic paints
gel medium
wax paper ( straight from the kitchen )
misc. netting ( love those fruit netting bags, don't you? )
Liquid Pearls
Prima embellishment
butterfly wings ( bought from Walmart as a hair clip which I removed )
puff paint ( for the butterfly body )
Farber Castell, Pitt Pens ( love these!! )
Charcoal pencil ( finally used after having it for several months! )
brick stencil ( new favorite stencil, love it )
alcohol inks ( need more colors, they are addicting! )
distress ink and daubers

Project Pinterest where you get to show off your pins and what you create!

Friday, September 14, 2012

12 step program: noun

is a set of guiding principles (accepted by members as 'spiritual principles,' based on the approved literature) outlining a course of action for recovery from addiction, compulsion, or other behavioral problems
I hear there is a 12 step program for just about everything these days and I am beginning to wonder if I need one because I am clearly on my way to becoming a stack-a-holic! lol

 I used the following DCWV stacks:

A Type of Art Cardstock stack
Stardust stack
Animal Crackers stack
Glitter Stack
 Really Reasonable Ribbon
Creative Imaginations chipboard letters
Making Memories velvet brad

Here is the sketch for the challenge which I rotated to the right and inverted the flags and journaling space since I couldn't write on the Stardust paper.
My favorite thing to do is to make embellishments, so I used some of my twigs from the backyard to make these adorable little flags, doodling and stitching around the green one.
The big solid brown ribbon is up cycled from something but for the life of me I cannot remember where I got it. I just re-discovered it recently during a "can't find anything, have to clean my craft room moment"..ever have those? lol All I can say is it had velcro on each end, but haven't a clue as to why.

Don't forget it's time to link up those ideas for Project Pinterest!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

bonita: complimentary noun

"pretty" ( female form, Spanish )

I began this wall hanging with 2 thoughts in mind, the first being I wanted to incorporate a mermaid into it and secondly, I wanted to play around and experiment with my new Faber Castell Gelatos.

Next, I looked through my Atlas for the Mermaid, thinking to piece together different maps to create her, but stopped short of that idea when I saw Mexico. Seriously, it looks like the bottom half of a mermaid. This isn't the one I used, this one is from Google, but I am hoping you can see it too.

Can you see her shape? She's a "bonita" Mexican mermaid...I wish my map didn't cut off the bottom of her would be tail, but I like the organic shape.

I cut along the edges of Mexico, and then used a word stencil and modeling paste over the tail part. I used my Gelatos to color her in, and also added alcohol inks and Twinkling H20's. I just smushed the colors around until I was reasonably happy with it.
I added a wrinkled piece of plastic to the top portion of her body by sewing it in place and added Bedazzle It Beads ( yeah, I have one of those, lol ) to her body followed by a boatload of beads and micro beads along with Ranger's stickles and Liquid Pearls. Letting it dry is the tortuous part! Here she is, still wet, but I wanted you to see how I progressed with her.
Then my sentiment was added, the hanging touches, and I am done..:) I am entering this into:
PanPastel UK Challenge Blog - #35 By the Sea
Project Pinterest is up and running!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

rubenesque: adjective

of, relating to, or suggestive of the painter Rubens or his works; especially: plump or rounded usually in a pleasing or attractive way
Hi to all my lovely WOYWW ladies!!
How are you doing today? Here is the picture of my desk today, if you want to see the mermaid I created with all this mess, ( although mine looks clean compared to Julia's desk, lol ) then please venture back tomorrow for it. It's a little picture heavy and I didn't want to bore any of you that want it quick and fast....

Just Add Water Silly's challenge this week..something JUICY...hee hee, and what can be juicier than this naughty little cupid? This is my first time with a digital stamp and I haven't colored in anything in ages but I could not resist the images from Squigglefly that I won a couple of weeks ago. They have such fun images that it took me forever to pick out the ones I wanted! lol

Mine are colored in with watercolor pencils, accented with stickles and a rhinestone on each finger! I also got to play with my Faber Castell Pitt Pens that I got when I went down to see Donna Downey's studio, and I LOVE them, waterproof and tiny little tips for getting all those details, and such pretty colors. The wings, feet and head are all propped up with Helmars Liquid Scrapdots ( also available at Donna's store )

 hee hee, I just love this rubenesque cupid!
She is entered in CARDS TV :
Design Team challenge #14 Happy Holidays ~ Pick One
my pick - Valentines Day
cloud cut from Everyday Paperdolls
sun cut from Happy Hauntings cartridge
Martha Stewart doily
Uniball white pen
Ranger's stickles

Project Pinterest for September is up and running, I do hope you stop by and play along with us!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

tone-death: adjective

unable to distinguish subtle differences in musical pitch
Recycle, Re-Purpose & Re-Invent Anything Goes September
Unique Crafters Challenge Big Chance Giveaway Contest

Question from PDE: Do you play an instrument or wish you did?

Regardless of what I wanted, my parents made me learn how to play the piano.
When I was in elementary school, I wanted to play the cello. When I was in High School I wanted to play a guitar. In college I wanted to be able to sing.  I soon learned I wasn't one of those musical people...maybe even a little tone-death. However, I have since learned the joy of a car radio and singing as loud and as off key as I want!
....the key to artful singing is to just make sure the windows to the car are closed!

 Again, I used the wax paper left over from my spray box, I just love the patterns. I couldn't achieve it on my own if I tried! I did have enough of it left over to make another heart and then stitched around it. I also took apart a pair of sandals and used the strap, beads and the rhinestones
 on this piece. I love recycling!
 One of the sandals that I recycled...long live my favorite pair of sandals, may they embellish many a future project! I will miss hard to let go, lol

And we just started Project Pinterest for the month of September, come play along with us!

Monday, September 10, 2012

hoopla: noun

Boisterous, jovial commotion or excitement.
It's that time of the month!!!
no, not that time, am soooooooooo glad I don't have to deal with mother nature's little gifts anymore...tmi?..sorry, ;0

First, let's announce our featured pinner
for the month of August:
Sarah from It' picked.....
It's time for Project Pinterest!!!! YAY!!!
As many of you know I have been uber busy with setting up my gallery space at the Art Mob Studios and Marketplace which has been doing very well, thank you very much! I'm so happy to have achieved this! But because I have been so busy I haven't taken pictures of things I have been creating through pinning so I am going to share some random pinning thoughts with you!
 I have many people that say they are too busy to pin, that it sucks up your time, etc. Well, I have to say they are not seeing pinning they way they should, after all it's like having a crafting, home interior, gardening, cooking and photography magazine all rolled up into one, plus it's free and no what could be better than that?
I have re-discovered little helpful hints and tips like pushing in the ends of your wax paper/aluminium foil boxes to keep the rolls in place. I think I knew about that a long time ago but seem to have forgotten about it...age, what can I say? ugh! Which I forgot to pin after I read about it..again...age, say no more, right?
Or a recipe that I tried out while I was on vacation and I was craving pizza. It's easy to follow the instructions and to make, and I am sure tastes better to those that love bread, but it was a little too much bread per ratio of meat and cheese for me. ( Pepperoni Roll Ups )  But how nice to have all those recipes stock piled on my computer instead of lugging magazines or cook books around with you? OK, so I'm willing to lug my laptop around, but then I AM addicted to the Internet ;)
Or the humor, it's like having the cartoon section at your fingertips at all times:
it's funny when it's not your dog or your pillow, huh?
Pinned Image
Or tons of quotes
 and sayings that I use to create my wall hangings:
And here is one for you ladies who are still going to resist the can find lots of free printables, like sheet music! Go here to download it!
Pinned Image
Now they say, you can't teach an old dog new tricks....want to prove them wrong? I'd be happy to send you an invite to Pinterest if you want to check out what all the hoopla's about! And we want to hear and see what you pinned and what you did with it!
So let's start the linking, I can't wait to see what you'll do!
Here are the guidelines for Project Pinterest:
1. Decide which pin on Pinterest you’d like to recreate.
2. Create it!
3. Flop or success, create a blog post about your re-do and include the original pin’s url.
4. Add the Project Pinterest button to your post so others can join in too!
* From now on to be considered a "Featured Pinner" you need to add the Project Pinterest button to your blog please.
5. Link up and check out other bloggers’ posts!

Project Pinterest - September 2012

1. 505whimsygirl/Kay  2. Katie  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

stalkerish: noun

Know what some one is doing,
when their home,
where they are,
But its not full out stalking so its stalkerish
Dear Donna,

I just want to say how sorry I was that I didn't get to meet you when I visited your store on Friday and wish I had planned on seeing if you would be there before I made the trip out...( but not in a stalkerish kind of way ), lol I didn't think the trip would be as worthwhile without meeting you, however I was wrong. The intent of my trip was to hand deliver my brush to your store, which I did and then I got to see the brushes that had arrived in that day's mail.
I got to wander around your store and talk to your wonderful Melissa. When I admitted to her that I had never tried Pan Pastels or Gelatos, she immediately and enthusiastically invited me into the classroom to try them out for myself.
She is very knowledgeable about the products and it was so much fun to sit and try out some products that I had only seen you playing with on your weekly videos, ( which I love watching and usually cannot wait for Wednesdays to come around so that I can see what you have created! )
I enjoyed walking around your studio just to see your art adorning the hallways...
 and especially enjoyed seeing the decorated bathrooms, that's a whole lot of push pins!
and of course, the popular brush bathroom! I had to ask Liz about her brush in particular ( the drip brush for those of you that don't know ) and to tell her how disappointed I was that she didn't have a blog as I had tried to find out how she created those drips! I never could replicate it and I tried!
I REALLY gave her a hard time about not having a blog, and was astounded that she doesn't see herself as creative! I think you have rubbed off on her more than she realizes, but please make her create a a job requirement! She did tell me how she made the brush though, and I appreciated that.  ( She needs to be out on the creative end, and a raise for just being such a good sport! )
And I LOVED her little peel off drips she created ( which I heard even fooled you! )...great detail!
And of course Melissa was quite the enabler and with her helping me out, I found lots of goodies to buy while I was there! ( She deserves a raise and a set of her own business cards! )
 You have a great store/studio Donna and the ladies who work with you are SUPERB!!
Hopefully my stalking skills will improve and will meet you one day ;)