Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sundays with Sandee

Felling very un-bored these days with canvases to paint, ads to get out, DT projects to make....July will be my crunch month, let's see if I can get everything done before August 1st, shall we? lol No bet taking allowed!
My art journal page that I did for Sundays with Sandee will be turned into a big 30x30" canvas for the show, so look for it in about 4 days. If you follow me on Pinterest, I have a August Show board where I am keeping all my canvas pictures or you can follow my business page on FB, Sandee's Artful Words...

Check out the video over on the Frosted Designs page :)
**********currently there is no video as I am having problems with the sound, as soon as it is fixed, I will have the video up and running **********
It's up and running..yay!~!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Helmar - Liquid Scrap Dots is FAN-tastic!

So a customer came into the Art Mob requesting that a picture be made into a 3-D element and Michele knew who to call as I am always bragging on my Helmar glue :) He was very pleased with the end result which makes us both very happy! The deets are over on the Helmar blog, come visit, stay away.....and as always, leave me some love!! lol I know, demanding, aren't I?

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Bookmark Art Abandonment

Making bookmarks again to be placed inside the library books when I return them for the Art Abandonment group over on Face Book. I made this one using the Susan K. Weckesser Unity Stamp called Insta-Cute and the Live in Color stencil. I would love for you to come visit me over there and leave me some love, Pooh thinks you should...just saying....

Insta-Cute 1

Susan K. Weckesser Inc. /Crafter's Workershop Stencil

Artist link up

Last week I received an email from Jean Marmo asking me to participate in a virtual blog tour to get to know fellow artists. I thought it sounded fun and said yes.  The idea is to explore the creative process a bit more by answering four questions. So let's get started!

1) What are you working on?

Right now I am like a mad woman dashing from canvas to canvas working on getting ready for my first art show called Caffeinated Art which I am sharing with another fellow artist Miriam Hughes. This is my first "art show" and I am rather chuffed. We are working on press releases, advertisements and along with getting ready for the show we are both working on a piece of wall art that we have been commissioned for a new business opening up in Hendersonville, NC where we live. I'm also been doing a lot of online shopping too, I've bought my dress, spanx, and ordered new business cards for the opening...yes, I admit, I am a bit excited! 

Here is one of my completed works for the show.
part of the 12x36" series - Creativity in a cup of Joe
2) How does you work differ from others of its genre?

I'm not sure mine differs much from anyone else as we are in the Age of Individualism which just means we are all out there doing our own thing. I couldn't keep a straight face if I stated that my art work was unique or sui generis but it's what happens when I play, and I love to play!

close up - Creativity in a cup of Joe
3) Why do you create what you do?

Good question! I wish I knew the answer but in reality that's not something I think about, maybe just drawing and painting come naturally to me and it just flows out from my soul. Thank goodness for mixed media art as it lets me dabble in all forms of creativity at once, like adding bead work to a canvas, I've never had an interest in making jewelry but I love beads.

close up - Creativity in a cup of Joe
4) How does your creating process work?

I get inspired by so many fellow artists and by challenges. Those are my 2 main starting points and I just evolve from that by picking up a pencil and sketching out an idea that has filled my head and I must let it out or I'll go nuts. Sometimes I make lots of rough sketches in a book that I can refer back to or sometimes I go straight to paper or canvas. It all depends on the mood I am in. The most recent change in my art has been adding my own writing, call it funky, call it it done! Whatever it is I am enjoying the process.

close up - Creativity in a cup of Joe

And a couple artists friends that I adore and would love for you to get to know a little bit better:
Tommy Jo Vilello Anderson
Hi Everyone!!!! … and thank you Sandee for this wonderful Blog Hop opportunity. Though my real name is Tommy Jo, most people know me as “yayascrapbooking”. About a year ago, I began a mission to become less of an art introvert. With much difficulty, I mustered the courage to share my love and OBSESSION with mixed media art and digital scrapbooking with more people than just my family. I am living in the “Autumn” of my life and it is literally exploding. Fellow artists, friends and family, have inspired me to BELIEVE in my art and BELIEVE in my ability to celebrate memories for others through digital scrapbooking. Those who purchase my mixed media art pieces or hire me to scrap their memories have validated my journey. One can’t imagine the joy in that and I am able to live it! I am truly blessed . My blog is:

 Larissa Pittman
My name is Larissa Pittman. I live in the Texas Hill Country with my husband and our 2 furbabies. I have been card making for a few years now. It is so relaxing to spend hours and hours in my studio putting cards together.  I love creating everyday. I am proud to create for Ann Butler Designs, Susan K Weckesser, Kitty B Designs, A Creative Need, and Incy Wincy Designs.  When I am not creating in my studio I love spending time with my family and cooking huge meals.
My blog:

Monday, June 23, 2014

DecoArt makes beautiful glittery mermaids!

I am currently working on some pieces for my upcoming show called Caffeinated Art, and This mermaid loves tea canvas is full of whimsy and shine. I have to say that I truly love the DecoArts Inc. products and I thank then for letting me partake in this Glitter It! job.

I used the colors below to create her hair. First by using the Americana Marigold as a base, then adding both the Glamour Dust paints in Lemon Drop and Copper. After they dried I added more swirls of Americana Whispering Turquoise and Marigold, finishing off with the 3-D Gloss Enamel in black for accenting.

Her eyes were created by first painting a base coat with Americana Multi Surface Satin, then covering it with the Glamour Dust Aqua. After they dried I used the 3-D Gloss Enamel in the center for the pupil and using a straight pin to pull out the paint in a star burst pattern. Using the same pin to pull out her eyelashes

I used these 3 colors for the background straight from their bottles, Whispering Turquoise, Bahama Blue and Silver Twinkles writer. 
You can use this picture above as a reference to see how the Glamour Dust alters the color of Bahama Blue ( in the picture above the Bahama Blue is on the right side ) when layered over it.
This is a closeup of her top where I used the Glamour Dust Emerald over the Americana Bahama Blue. It really picked up the gold undertones.

On her tail I layered the Glamour Dust Aqua over the Americana Bahama Blue for a ultra rich looking blue!

And for the lower portion of her body, I mixed the Americana Bahama Blue with the Glamour Dusts, Aqua and Emerald.

And lastly, I hand sewed some beads onto her tail and around her hips..

I hope you enjoyed my mermaid, I know I really enjoyed the DecoArt products, they always make every project just a little more fun!

Free shipping til 6/30. Code: GLITTER Must have Craft Twinkles or Writers or Glamour Dust Glitter paint in your cart to ship US order free!

Linking up with Paint Party Friday.


What does sandee have lots of, that she hoards and rarely uses?


I try, I really do, but I never use them enough. But I went hog wild with a flourish stamp called Modern Flower Flourish by inkadinkado on one of my canvases. It involved masking and laying magazines up underneath the canvas so I would have a flat surface to work on.

This stamp set comes with 4 flourish stamps in it and I used one that had the flower as the focal point for my roosters' eye. See, the rooster is the steam rising up out of the cup, for what says "wake up" better than coffee AND a rooster!

I've been adding a lot of beading lately to my canvases, which is another thing I had stopped doing and now I can't get enough of! ( You can see that I used a lot of masking to stamp into the design of the rooster, and I added some doodling to fill in any open areas )

One of my favorite parts was the mountain sunrise scenery that I painted on the cup, and then the sunbeams extend from out behind the cup. Go ahead, scroll back up to the main picture if that didn't make sense to you, lol Maybe you can see it better if you look at the overall design!

And lastly, I had to take a deep breath to write the words out in paint, something I had never done before, as I usually do all my lettering with a pen. I was in a quandary about how to get the right color yellow when the answer was staring me in the paint face, the pickle was using a paint brush to do it with. 
Can we say scary?

I have to say I have begun combining spray inks with gelatos and I just LOVE the effect, The wood table top is a combination of Lindy's Dark Chocolate Truffle starburst stain along with a no name gelato ( sorry, not my fault ), but look at that silky finish! oh la lah!

Simon Monday Challenge - I ought to use this more!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Frosted Designs kit reveal - Capture the Moment

Hi everyone, today I am over on the Frosted Designs blog with my last post on the Paper Kit team. I created a huge ( for me ) canvas which I made for my upcoming show in August. I am having a blast painting these big canvases, so much room to do things on; like the silver leafed spoon. I used DecoArts Paper Effects , a thick dimensional writer and Ranger's Liquid Pearls which has a much finer application.

I also have some exciting news too, I'll be designing my own mixed media kits for Frosted Designs! But's a secret that will be revealed next month! :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Upcoming art show

Coffee & Tea – Caffeinated Art – A Show Worth Buzzing About! 
Local artists Miriam Hughes and Sandee Setliff will be exhibiting a show titled Caffeinated Art.  This trending duo will be opening Friday, August 1st, 2014 at 7PM to 9PM at Jongo Java, a well-loved coffee house on Main Street in Hendersonville and is delighted to feature Caffeinated Art expressing the diversity of coffee and tea lovers, infusing humor, some stories along with exceptional creativity. 
Miriam hughes

Miriam Hughes will be exhibiting work done in two styles – acrylics and watercolor gouache resist. The acrylics’ theme is called My Favorite Cup and features friends and some stranger’s favorite coffee cups. The watercolor gouache resist series is titled “Overheard” and combines the art with snippets of conversations overheard in coffee shops.
Sandee Setliff

Sandee Setliff, a mixed media artist. uses traditional mediums on large canvases. like acrylics in conjunction with her signature style of hand sewn beads, inks and dimensional paints all combined in a single composition. Her unique pieces of artwork are titled "Liquid Wisdom" which spans the world of fantasy and reality flavored with coffee, tea cups and quotes.

Miriam and Sandee, both local artists whose work can be seen year round at the Art MoB Studios & Marketplace, joined forces to create this caffeinated collaboration while meeting to sketch at Jongo Java one day for lunch where they met the new proprietors Tim Culberson and Paul Schiro, who expressed their desire to host featured shows to celebrate and support local art within their establishment.

 Caffeinated Art is A Show Worth Buzzing About!
Jongo Java is open from 7am to 7pm Monday through Friday, Saturday from 8am to 7pm and Sunday from 9am to 4pm, with extended hours during opening shows located on 117 South Main Street in Downtown Hendersonville

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Sundays with Sandee - Make your own wings and fly

Can you guess what he is? How about what he is doing? If you want to find out then please pop over to the Frosted Designs Blog and see what I've been up to. You can also watch my video on how I made him too :)

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Hanging with my Gnomey!

Oh my's gnome cuteness today with TWO new stamp releases from Susan K. Weckesser/ Unity
And I got the privilege on naming BOTH of them !!
Thank you Susan for that honor!)

I wanted to use mine in my art journal so I made my Gnomey from the What's Up Gnomey stamp set into a BIG Gnomey with some Gnome-mous mushrooms to go along with him. All you have to do is stamp your design on a piece of paper and then enlarge it to the size you need. At this size he was super easy to paper piece him together using Susan K. Weckesser's whimsical papers.

I wrote inspirational words over the mushrooms, just repeating the same word over and over. It's more for texture than anything else. Sakura Moonglow pens are a lot of fun to play with.

Yep, he is just an silly, ordinary, everyday fungi...get it? fun - guy? ( That pun came from Cheryl Boglioli and it was too cute to pass up and not use it! lol The little sticker letters came from Frosted Designs store.

I used Puffy paint for his facial hair. I love the 3 dimension look of it along with his cute little nose and eyes all pop dotted up.

More graffiti style lettering and playing with Gnome puns along with my Sakura Moonglow pens.

Make sure to visit all the blogs by clicking on the thumbnail links below. Make sure you visit all the blogs as we have some gnome-ulous prize packages to give away. ~The winners will be announced Saturday night on the Unity blog.

This collection has been deleted by its author
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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

SkW post - Friendships warms the heart

Hi everyone, if you didn't know already, then know it now...I am on the Susan K. Weckesser Design Team and just loving it! So, today I have my first official post over there on her blog {my sweet heart } and I hope you go over there and leave me some of your fabulous loving!!

Our theme this month is YOU ARE MY FRIEND!! I love it!

 She asked us to make something for a friend so I made this cute little journal and a bookmark to keep your place, you know, for all those nice things you want to write about me!! lol

I'd love to send it to someone, if you want it, just leave me a comment letting me know you want it and I'll do the drawing on Monday the 16th! It's a way for me to say thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving me your awesome comments, each and everyone of you mean so much to me! I really do appreciate you!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sundays with Sandee - How low can you go?

It's time for some lettering over at SwS and the question remains...How low can you go? So go over there and find out, while you are there you can see who the 2 winners are from the May Frosted Designs Facebook page challenge....:)
This month, Lindy's Stamp Gang is generously offering up a $30.00 Gift Certificate to their online store!!!  That's right...  $30.00 to spend on glorious products!!!! I don't know about you, but I think this prize is awesome!

Here's sneak peek of what you'll find over on the Frosted Designs blog, be sure to copy and paste the lettering sheet to keep in your files, and enjoy the video.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Create to Live challenge

photo 2

We would love if you would share with us and join us for our Create to Live Challenge.  This challenge is for you to use the color and message themes in the picture above.  Take some creative liberty here to create based on how this picture makes you feel.  What does it inspire in you?  What creative ideas jump out at you first?

I hope you are inspired by the inspiration board to join us, it's lots of fun!

For me it was the top row of colors and the idea of using stitching...I love faux stitiching.  Here is the page that I did for the June Create to Live challenge:
Susan K. Weckesser products
Grandma's Needlepoint - Just used the face of the little girl to create the fairy, and the stitching stamps to go around the page as a border.
Heartfelt Warmth - Used the house or in this case, the fairy house :)
Insta-Cute- the word Smile - used through the tunnel

Also entering this page in Simon Monday Challenge - Magic

after all what's more magical than fairies?

As you can see from this page, I have been working on my tunnel through my journal and here is a short video with me showing you how a tunnel works, for you must remember that what goes forward must also come'll see what I mean when you watch the video. :)

 OH and I should have mentioned in the video:

When you create your tunnel, you must protect the page underneath by sliding a piece of paper under the opening so that sprays, ( like the Fairy dusting ) that I used with the Tim Holtz Distress Spritzer tool do not mess up the page underneath....* NOTE *only buy this tool if you want to have some serious FUN!

one more picture of the fairy

Monday, June 2, 2014

Helmar - product recommendation

We, as crafters realize that there are a lot of products out on the market that are a dime a dozen. BUT Helmars' Liquid Scrap Dots stands out from the crowd. I simply could not do without it and it's awesome versatility. Look at the varying height for all 4 stars, each one is different. We are lucky to be carrying this product in our Frosted Design Store, and I highly recommend you adding it to you arsenal of craft supplies. You will not regret it. 

If you would like to see my completed Americana wall hanging, then please pop on over to the the Helmar blog page, and leave me some know you want to ;)