my stencils

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Spielbergian: adjective

From Steven Spielberg (1947-) American
Think: exhilarating, over-the-top action sequences, childlike wonder, feel-good endings.
( The first film maker in the top 10 list that's still alive today )



July 2013 Creative Dare - Mixed Media Monday's Mean to Me...

We were to pick one of Tracy's Monday night videos that moved us, and for me, this was easy. On any given Monday ( when Tracy isn't busy cavorting around in Las Vegas ) you can find me painting along with her via video. I have come to truly enjoy these moments and although I love chatting with everyone ( which I do nowadays before Tracy begins ) I love the camaraderie of painting along with another artist. This is the video that I first began painting with her, although it was a card I painted the first time; and I wish I still had a picture of it to show you, but it's in the archives and I'm too lazy to pull it out and search for it.

I found this on her blog :
and Sandee Setliff who created right along with us "I had a lot of fun painting along with you Tracy, that was a first for me and it was a blast. Only bad thing is I can't "chat", paint and watch all at once! lol" ~Sandee:
It did spawn many a piece of mixed media canvases, and every time I do a 'half heart' painting I always think of Tracy. Below is the first canvas that I painted with her, ( it was also my second mixed media canvas that sold in the Art MoB ) and although I was very stressed trying to follow Tracy as she painted, I have figured out that it's not the painting exactly what she paints that I find so inspiring, it's her cheerful words, her happy attitude and her being her that inspires me to have fun while I paint. 

She talks about being not a "heart" person, yet it's her hearts that I relate as one of her signature styles ( that and buttons, coloring the inside of letter spaces white, charcoal outlining and flowers ), so much so, I incorporated a charcoal-ed heart onto the canvas that Santa was painting for the Christmas card group exchange last year.

So, yes, every Monday night, I am there but you may not see me in the chat room, because I am talking to Tracy, painting alongside her and having the best time. Here is my piece that I worked on 2 weeks ago with Tracy for the July Dare. It began a long time ago, but it was finished up with her that Monday night. Thanks Tracy for all the fun, may it continue for a long time to come!

 I really love the background to this one. It begin as a runoff piece for my gelli making prints, every time I needed to empty the brayer I would use this to do so, it was a mix up of colors. The only thing I needed to add after I finished the heart was some drops of colors, followed up with the eclectic sticker lettering, unlike Tracy, I very rarely use my own handwriting.

And along the way, I even learned how to spell Weinzapfel :) and the importance of May 4th!


  1. Love the all the pictures.. and the card for the exchange!!! That is super cute! lol

  2. Love your pieces! Great testimony to Tracy. I enjoy her videos as well.

  3. LOVE the final project... love all the other pieces too! Especially Santa! LOL You are too cool for school! :)


  4. As always you blow me away with your work and writing! ♥

  5. A wonderful selection of fantastic makes.
    Yvonne x


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