my stencils

Friday, February 2, 2018

Facebook tests and art journaling

Please do excuse the fact that I am re-posting an older post for Paint Party Friday but today I will be going to pick up my crutches.
What's old, fat and goes splat...Sandee tripping over her own feet!
Oh well, anyway back to elevating and icing my knee, I'll be sure to visit all of you since I'll be on the couch computer for the rest of the week-end! I look forward to having ya'll inspire me back to a quick recovery and get back to arting again real soon!
I'm always looking for new ways to add journaling to my pages and I think I have found a new and fun way! At least it is for me since I like to play around with the Facebook tests. I find them to be basically upbeat and positive on the whole and sometimes they actually fit so I keep those and do an art journal page about them.

tiny crow

So this is fun and this way I get to keep all those tests that I want to keep and look back over them .


  1. Love the way you used the marble paper with the space boy and writing!

  2. Another creative use of these tests!

  3. A whole new dimension as far as I'm concerned and so creative too! :D

  4. You are so fun! What a great project! I must admit to finding them more fun these days. Do you think they are more interesting than before or am I needing the distraction? Either way, they are fun and you have made them into something that is all the more meaningful!

  5. These are great! So nicely designed and I just love that tree guy! :D

  6. lol, Love your pages, Great use of the tests :)

  7. These are super. Love 'Tiny Crow'. The tree reminds of Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy. Great stuff. Good luck with the knee. I find a nip of whiskey works a treat. Well, I am from Ireland.

  8. fun creations and so well done!

    Happy Weekend,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Love the art-journaling but sorry to hear that you are a fallen woman, sounds painful. Get well soon, hugs, Valerie

  10. Hope that knee heals soon. First thing I noticed was your marvelous handwriting! And your journal page art is so enjoyable and fun. Happy PPF!

  11. Love your journal pages, so fun and quirky! Hope your injury heals up quickly.

  12. These pages are delightful and such a clever use of those tests. I like your creativity! Happy PPF

  13. Oh gosh Sandee, that's no good. Heal up soon but, in the meantime, you have a perfect excuse for indulging yourself.

    Love your art (had to google 'facebook tests' lol)... very creative!
    Take care and all the best xx

  14. Such fun and creative artwork Sandee! Sending you get well wishes!

  15. What a creative page❗
    Great upcoming week 💕

  16. What a great idea! Especially the last one is such fun ;-) Sorry to hear about your knee. Hope you'll be up and going again in no time! Happy PPF!

  17. How awful that you fell! I hope you are on the mend soon! Lovely journal pages. I am what I am...and that's all that I am! :-)

  18. These both made me laugh. I loved the second one the best.

  19. I'm so sorry to read about you falling..ouch!! Not fair!! :( I hope your knee is better today after resting it all weekend.

    We're a lot alike because I like discovering new things about myself by doing those tests, also. The difference is..I've haven't been keeping track of the answers in my art journals like you, which I must say is a brilliant idea!! I usually just answer the questions in my blog posts..not sure why I've never thought to journal about it. hm..

  20. Great drawings!
    It's very slippery here and health centers are full of people with minor or bigger problems...can't wait spring and snow- and iceless surface to walk on!

  21. oh no!! Sorry to hear about the fall Sandee. I hope you're not on crutches too long. Thanks for visiting & commenting on my blog. i LOVE that you want to be "fuchsia"! Although there's nothing wrong with being beige - if you FEEL like a 'beige'! I just don't feel right as a 'beige' (and it sounds like you don't either). :) Happy weekend and here's to your healing. xo

  22. Oh dear Sandee hppe you are well on the mend now! Love these adorable qurky whimsical pieces of art! Feel better soon....but enjoy the creativity time while forced to slow down!

    Peace Giggles


Art is commenting on whats going on around you in your life.
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