my stencils

Friday, July 21, 2017

Great Adventures of Pierson -week 3 #WorldWatercolorMonth

Best laid plans and all...
I'm a day behind, I've had company in town so I hope I can catch back up real soon, in the meantime here are the latest that I am linking up with in

day 20

day 19
"On top of the World"
day 18
"I can hear the mermaids"
( video )
day 17
"A boy and his dragon"
day 16
day 15
"Pucker-up Prince Charming"


  1. I love the way you have incorporated real photos into your paintings. So clever and VERY effective.

  2. These are incredible... I love them. What child wouldn't enjoy a book like this!! They make me smile...great humour, fun characters and wonderful colour!! Excellent job!!

    Hugs Giggles

  3. great humour the paiting with real photos!
    Fantastic Work!
    Happy sunday

  4. These are adorable. I really like On Top of the World.

  5. Your pieces are so much fun....yep..super hero t the rescue is my fav too...visiting from ppf, number 12...xx

  6. It is such an interesting idea to combine real photos with paintings. Kind of dreamy and it interacts with the viewer. Thank you for visiting my blog. Have a great week.


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