my stencils

Monday, November 14, 2016

Election inspired art

As art journalers, we record moments in our life and currently, all the hatred posting via Twitter and FaceBook to name a few social media sites have artists turning to their journals to try and sort out their feelings. Some, sadly because they are upset and still carry messages of hate and some like myself who would rather soothe than ignite. I guess this page resonates with me because I'd like to believe that I can exemplify some modicum of grace under remain calm, cool and collected under stressful situations.
 I liked this page so much that I removed it from my journal and adhered it to the front cover and have decided to make the word ADVERSITY my word for 2017. Usually in the past I have picked out words to inspire my art, this year I am trying to inspire my character instead...something more of us should strive to do.

Friends will show their true colors in times of adversity...

how has your behavior been lately?


  1. Such a wonderful post.....LOVE the new cover idea, and ADVERSITY is the perfect word for 2017....I feel the same way you do about the mess that is going on in our homeland. I have been only going to the social medias (FB) to check and join with other artist...and to check on my family. The rest of it has become nonsense and makes me want to show anger.....can't/won't go there!! I refuse to be drawn into the new media's chaos. (I'll get off my soapbox now....*grin*)

  2. Wonderful quote and good job choosing your word for 2017 so early. I love your queen; she's so cute!

  3. Hi Sandee,

    Great journal page! I love the saying; we should all aspire to take the higher road. I only have a few friends that post political things and that hasn't been much. So glad for that!!

    I like the new look to your blog. You are definitely taking it to the next level!


    PS. I sold my condo, bought a house and moved in - all since October 31. I will now have a real craft room!!!


Art is commenting on whats going on around you in your life.
Let me know what you think, how you are valued.
Thank you!