my stencils

Saturday, October 22, 2016

close to the cusp...

Since I was a young girl and began reading my horoscope along with the Sunday funnies I have always thought I should have been born in the "cusp zone"...I was close, one day off but I have always felt the dual influence of both signs. I would sigh when I read my horoscope and then usually agree with the next sign. But I was labeled a Pisces so I stayed committed to it. But now, maybe I have finally been justified, the stars has shifted!

Loving Jane Davenport's book, Drawing and Painting Beautiful Faces.


  1. She is gorgeous and I see some of Jane's techniques.

  2. She turned out great! Don't you just love Jane's book?!

  3. This is beautiful! My Mom always read the horoscope. I did some. I am supposedly a Virgo, who knows now LOL.

  4. Beautiful! I lvoe Jane's work!


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