my stencils

Friday, October 2, 2015

Artcation - day 5

 Thursday morning was cool and breezy with hardly any humidity so we took advantage of the weather to stroll down to the sand bar. The tide was in and it was a beautiful day! 

Walking out on the boardwalk is always fun as the waterbirds seem to pose for our entertainment.
Great Blue Heron

White Egret

And last, but not least were the Sand Pipers, Gulls and Royal Terns that were sunbathing on the sand bar.

Anna sat at one of the picnic table watching the boats cruise by.

While I took off for a little beach walk adventure. I found a zillion Fiddler crabs and Hermit Crabs all making their way along the beach, scurrying to get out of my way as I strolled along.

A close up, well, as close as they would let me get anyway of the Fiddler Crabs.

Hope everyone has a great day, I am thinking of all my rain sodden friends back home, hoping they don't float away!!

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