my stencils

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

How rude!

OK, so this year my little woodland garden has been attracting a lot more attention ever since the apartment complex installed the fountain in it. And, for the most part, it has been an enjoyable experience seeing people come back to look at everything, and they ohhhh and ahhhh quite nicely for my pleasure, lol I get a lot of enjoyment watching people coming to look at all my hard work.

 But this lady really pissed me off, not only because she almost trampled my zinnia seedlings but she also IGNORED me when I yelled down to her to STOP....seiously, I YELLED! She did stop inches away from stepping on them, but never once turned her head around to say...opps..sorry...or anything! (There isn't a picture of her almost walking through the seedlings cause I was too busy yelling!) Then she proceeded to walk right through the border so she could get a closer look at my bench planter I am working on.
Again, no pictures of her walking through the plants as I had given up trying to stop her and just stood there exasperated and pissed. I did get some pictures of her coming out as I was hoping she would at least look up and feel guilty that I was taking pictures of her as she rudely walked through my plants, but as you can see, she never once made eye contact with me!

I know, I's a public place, it's not my personal property, but wasn't it rude to walk through the plants? I have a nice circle in the inside all mulched, that they can stand on, and mostly, people don't even do that. This was the first person who just walked through everything like she owned the place. And yes, she didn't actually harm anything, but she would have if I hadn't been there to stop her had she walked on the seedlings. However, it just pisses me off anyway...


  1. What a shame! you have worked so hard.

  2. Oh I really don't know what's the matter with some people! Public space or not, surely it's not only common courtesy, responsibility and being mindful of others hard work and enjoyment? Stupid woman! Well done you, hugs Carole Z X


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