I only have crappy pictures to show my latest and newest (to me anyway) bird.
A Green Heron!
I was so shocked to see him land less than 5 feet away from me (I was working on my Creel Fairy Lodge) that I couldn't get my camera ready fast enough and he didn't like me moving around to get my camera so he took off and landed a little ways down the creek, but I looked him up online when I got back inside and found out what he was! For me, it feels so surreal to see Herons in the creek...in the mountains!
My hands were a little steadier by now, but he was intently moving away from me!
I hope I see him again!
I love life by the creek!
Birding Life List:
1. Crow
2. Eastern Bluebird
3. Common Grackle
3. Common Grackle
4. Red Belly Woodpecker
5. Mallard Duck
6. Downy Woodpecker
7. Ruby Throated Hummingbird
8. Green Heron
hmm i thought i commented on this one already?