my stencils

Monday, May 11, 2015

So excited! Mystery plant solved!

Well, ONE mystery plant solved, and it just happened that I simply lucked out after weeks of searching woodland plants, native plants, etc!! But who cares, I now know what this darn thing is! lol I mean, I have been trying ( halfheartedly I admit ) to figure out what this plant is for the past 3 years! This is the first year that I actually got a picture of it blooming! I was so excited, yes.....little things do easily amuse me!

But, now after reading about them, I think I need to go move the couple that I relocated ( I relocate plants just to see if they do better ) back into a shadier zone, and maybe amend the soil when I do.


  1. Brilliant... Well done Sherlock! ;D

  2. Its a pretty little thing. Glad you found out what it is called.

  3. It's beautiful! Happy you finally know what it is!

  4. awesomely done detective.. and you are moving plants? to see if they will do better in different areas? lolol busy woman!!


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