The third row is the Emotional Row, what's present with your feelings
The Lovers- On a more personal level, the Lovers card represents the establishment of a personal belief system and becoming clearer about your own values. This is a time when you are figuring out what you stand for and what your personal philosophy on life is. This is also a time when you need to stay true to yourself and be as authentic and genuine as possible. When the Lovers card appears in a reading, it is important to think about what decisions and choices you are facing. The fact that the Lovers is a Major Arcana card indicates that these decisions or choices are incredibly important and significant so it is essential that you choose the right path. There may be an easy option available but you will need to ask yourself whether this is the right path for you in the long run. Oftentimes, it is the more difficult path that will bring you the greatest benefit, particularly on a deeper level. The Lovers card highlights that your own value system is being challenged, and you must make a definite choice based on that system. The choices are never really easy or obvious, either. Unlike the Fool’s choice which has no wrong answer, the choice of the Lovers is very much right or wrong because one of those options will almost certainly take you down a negative path.
The Fool - The Fool Tarot card is a card of potential, new beginnings and innocence. This Tarot card shows the highest potential for your life, reaching a state of renewal and new beginnings, where each day is an adventure and each moment is lived to the fullest. The Fool card represents the beginning of all creativity and a desire to accomplish new goals (or to, at least, start the process of working towards those goals). The Fool indicates that anything can happen and the opportunities are just waiting to be taken advantage of. The Fool Tarot card is a card of potential, new beginnings and innocence. This Tarot card shows the highest potential for your life, reaching a state of renewal and new beginnings, where each day is an adventure and each moment is lived to the fullest. The Fool card represents the beginning of all creativity and a desire to accomplish new goals (or to, at least, start the process of working towards those goals). The Fool indicates that anything can happen and the opportunities are just waiting to be taken advantage of.
my reflections
Hmmm...the tarot reader said this row was very important to me right now and that I should take a time out, follow what I want, while staying grounded. Reading all the above definitions implies to me that I might have some big decisions coming up and that I need to look inward and not reach a decision hastily, which is funny because I had been considering not continuing with my studio after my trial year was up. I am not having the experience I wanted but is leaving Art MoB the right path to follow....or is it just the easiest path? I am ½ way through my year and I am already questioning continuing on....maybe I just need to "take a step back" as the Hermit card says, "think about my choices" as the Lovers card says, and "live each day to it's fullest" as the Fools's card says...and not rush my decision.
Changing up a path we thought we were meant to be on is a hard thing to do and a hard thing to give up! Allot of soul searching and looking inward....both not so easy tasks!! I know you'll pick the right one for you Sandee. Sending huggss my friend.
Sounds like you have some thinking to do!
ReplyDeleteOk when I look at Tarot cards all I see is great collage fodder I really don't understand it..