my stencils

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Eastern Bluebird

I admit I have several "favorites" and the Eastern Bluebird is high up on that list. One of the reasons the Bluebird is my favorite is because of my mom who absolutely loved them and kept trying ( unsuccessfully ) to get them to nest in their "special built just for them" boxes. We use to tease her about the other poor birdies whom she would chase away and clean out their nest materials..."so unfair we would mean you are" Well, she passed away 4-4-99 and while the family was gathered together discussing her funeral arrangements, we all saw it...a bluebird making a nest in one of the boxes. I think we all had a good laugh saying that mom was finally getting her way, shoving bluebirds into the nesting boxes from heaven. How she would have loved that, and what a moment it was for the family to experience.
Below is one of my favorite pictures...yes, I even have favorite pictures of favorite silly am I? So one winter I had this male trying to keep warm on my balcony and he was just so cute, even in his dull winter coat, all puffed up!!

I do get tickled at Daddy Bluebird seeing how many dried meal worms he can carry in his beak. He must have a nestful of hungry mouths waiting on him because he makes a ton of trips to my feeder.

And hoping for a return of the parents bringing their babies to me to be fed. I loved this series of pictures, that I took outside on my balcony! An absolute top 10 moment for me!

 Birding Life list:
2.Eastern Bluebird


  1. Ahhhh Sandee, a heartwarming story and beautiful images to match, thanks so much for sharing.
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

  2. DH started feeding the birds this year so we have seen many new ones that we are having to identify. Love your photos!

  3. Beautiful birds! we also feed our birds, I love seeing the Yellow Finch and Cardinals. We always get a nest of Robins and Cardinals. Baby Cardinals are the cutest thing you have ever seen.

  4. Sandee, love the memory of your Mother. I to love the blue birds. The daddy birds sit on my clothes line. We have a lot of blue bird houses along the back of the property line for them to nest in.

  5. We don't have those birds here they are so pretty.. The colour of the blue is very vibrant and so lovely.. No 2 bird woohoo. Loving seeing the birds.

  6. I love birds.. as pets. Theese are beautiful birds and if I ever see a blue bird.. I am going to think of you and your mom. I'm gonna tell it to tell your mom.. what a great friend you have been and that you don't share chocolate well.. lol Love learning about the birdies.. :)


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