my stencils

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Baby Bluebirds

I could watch them all day....sometimes I do....yesterday morning was a good day for sitting out on the balcony, drinking my tea and playing with my camera. The mornings are still cool enough that drinking hot tea is welcomed.

  I set my camera to a shutter speed of 1000 trying to capture the white fluff floating through the air, not sure what tree it is coming off of, but it looks like it is snowing at times, the air is so thick with it. Can you see all the white dots? The picture doesn't do it justice, what I am seeing.

 And while my shutter speed was set on 1000, I thought I would try and capture some birds in actions and my favorite subject flew right in view. This little baby bluebird was hot on daddy bluebird's trail.

I can almost hear this baby screaming.."feed me, feed me! " Insistent little


  1. This is just adorable...great job on capturing these photos...and sharing them!

  2. Great photos.. I'm starting to like the blue birds too.. :)

  3. Aah, I know what you mean, I could watch the birds in our garden all day too..gorgeous photos!hugs Carole Z X

  4. What a nice way to relax and have a cup of tea with your little visitors!
    Love the beautiful photos!

  5. Great photos!! Love the baby blue bird, cute. I have been seeing all kinds of different birds this year while sitting on my porch ALLLLLLLL day long making paper beads.

  6. Yep looks like you have some hungry babies there.. Love the falling white fluff, looks so pretty.


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