my stencils

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Patina, patinate....really?

Definition of PATINATE

transitive verb
:  to give a patina to
intransitive verb
:  to take on a patina —usually used in the past participle<patinated bronze>
— pat·i·na·tion  noun

Cool huh?
You can visit the Frosted Designs blog to see my finished birdcage and see how I decorated it with the Beauty of Nature kit.

1 comment:

  1. OMGoodness!!!!! Loved the bird cage when I saw the picture here.....went to check out the FD blog.....holy cowwww!!! You rocked this bird cage and I love how you incorporated the paper elements into the cage design. I always admire how you can take the ordinary and take it outside it's usual use and make it into something amazing. You never cease to inspire me!


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