my stencils

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Frosted Design Mix Media Kit

It's finally here, the day I can shout from the blogger rooftops that I am so excited to be on the
Frosted Design's Mixed Media kit team!!
Have checked out my give away?
You can find it HERE.

This is my project that I created with the 2013 October Mixed Media Kit, a pin cushion gift box!

The deets to how I made it are on this slideshow:

Here is a close up shot of the closure, which is held together with Velcro.

And this is the way the box hinges open.

These bright colors in this kit just make me smile!
I'd love to know what your favorite thing about the kit is!


  1. Who knew gelatos and corrugated paper made such a cool effect?!

  2. Fabulous!
    I love the blue and white twill hinge!!

  3. Loving the combination of bold colours!

  4. You're really rocking on your videos, Miss Sandee. I liked your tip about using the gelato on the corrugated paper. We manage to have a lot of 'waste' corrugated cardboard (packing stuff). This would be a great way to recycle some of it. Yay for you being on a new DT. I know you'll be a wonderful asset. Rain today, and cooler. TFS & Hugs

  5. This is so pretty and such wonderful details! Great work.

  6. Fabulous project! Congratulations on being chosen to join the team! My favourite thing is the bright and yummy colours - its all very cool though! xx

  7. very pretty creation!

  8. Love this Sandee! Congratulations on your spot on the team too. Just to let you know I'm following you and the Frosted Designs blog too now. Jenny x

  9. Hard to say what my favorite thing abt the kit is full of delights!! But I really love that pink mesh you used in this project. I see that is from the kit.

    Love this pincushion pretty and feminine! Thanks for the video. I appreciate that it was short (I have connection problems here in rural Idaho!) but clear and easy to understand.
    <3 J


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