my stencils

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

What has America become?

Don't get me wrong, I still consider myself to be lucky to live here, but our values have certainty gone done hill. I don't think we are improving, I think we are settling. I think Christians are having to fight harder and harder to keep the faith in a country that no longer accepts God as a standard. I think it is sad, and there are times that I am glad I didn't bring a child into this world. I have become one of "those" afraid to speak their mind because of the "politically correct" who will scream, rant and rave about injustices when they are being equally unjust! There is a lot of truth in this article, he did forget to mention that we are not suppose to call it Christmas but to refer to it as a holiday. Oh, and yes I do vote, I do try and make a difference. And for the record, I did NOT vote for the current President the first time or the second time.


  1. Sandee, I totally agree with you!!! I am so sick of politically correctness I can't stand it, and as far as not saying Merry Christmas, just TRY to stop me! I did not vote for the current President either! And I feel so bad for how Paula Deen is being treated, it is so unfair! There is a complete double standard in this country. There, I ranted. Hope I did't OFFEND anyone!

  2. Oh Sandee so true over here too we are rewriting the value we were all taught when we were young and woe betide if we as believers in God's holy word then we are the bad ones...

    .. as Isaiah 5:20 says:
    Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

    Sadly that is our land's today may our dear LORD have mercy on us,
    love Shaz in oz.x

  3. Sandee, thanks for swinging by my blog the other day and understanding how hard sympathy cards are. I do relate to this article - not from an American stand point, as I am a guest in your Country, it is the same nonsense in the UK. I paid a lot of tax, so the lazy can sit around and now it would seem I am paying a lot of tax for the lazy to sit around here in the US!! I'm Black and I feel that sometimes I live in a world where political correctness has gone mad. I cringe at some of the things that are said in my name and equally I despair at the fact that we cannot all be friendly. I am not overly religious, but I do believe Christmas is is not a Holiday - in the UK, we say Christmas and that is that! I believe if you live in a Country you should embrace it's traditions, which is why I'll be putting on my stars and stripes paint tomorrow and celebrating Independence day. Cx

  4. Good for you Sandee! It is a scary world we are living in, and we created it by allowing all values to go out the window and to believe that it was okay.

  5. I agree wholeheartedly with you on all points. I live in NYC so it is super "politically" correct or at least they think they are. I am sickened by a lot, and when did the word "God" become a word to be afraid to utter in public. When did we forget to respect all and their beliefs? I respect all, and when I am chased down the street to sign a petition that is totally against my belief system and religious beliefs, I am harassed etc. I continue to vote and to my part and hope for the future of this fine country. Have a Happy 4th my friend!

  6. Hate to not be able to jump your wagon Sandee. I could not disagree with you more!!! I am Christian and I definitely voted for our President, this time and last time and PROUDLY!!! I hope you have room on your blog for dissenters.

  7. Thanks for sharing this Sandee. I really love thought provoking articles like this!

    You know, I didn't vote at all in the last election. There was a problem with my voter registration. New York said I had to vote in Illinois as I filed taxes there, Illinois said I had to vote in New York because that's the state on my driver's license. Unfortunately, it couldn't be resolved before election day (because I didn't realize until I requested my absentee ballot!) It still bothers me that I didn't get to exercise my right as an American and voice my opinion via my vote!


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