my stencils

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


to laugh loudly or immoderately

( kinda sounds like cackling, good way to remember this word! )
I made a hand painted card for a very special person in my life, she always inspires me and always has something nice to say to everyone. Since she paints, I drew her picture onto a canvas with one of my favorite quotes.

I wrote small words on the paint tubes.

update: Tracy blew me away last night with the joy that she got from my card. Sometimes you never know if what you've done is appreciated, but she made me feel TRULY loved and I adore her for feeling that way. You can go here to her video she made last night, showing my card. I think I'll keep that video link forever so if I am ever down I can go watch it. ♥ 
Tracy has the power to make you smile.
Saw this on FB  ( Von's post? ) the other day and have to share with all my artsy friends ♥


Have you heard of Bubblews? You can get paid for your blogging! We"ll, it's  like a penny and a nickel at a time, but hey, that adds up. Would love for you to go there and give it a try, they have a referral program, so click here. I am there as SandeeNC if you want to find me. :) I get a whopping .50 if you sign up and use my name, lol The dough will be just rolling in, HA!
Show me the money!


  1. You are one very talented and sweet lady!!

  2. love the senitment! totally awesome

  3. Beautiful card.
    Love the cartoons! :)

  4. Your drawing on your card is just so Tracy with its little wine glass and paint brush behind the ear.. Love the words on the paint tubes.. Great cartoons..
    Sandy :)

  5. WOW! absolutely beautiful portrait! What a wonderful gift and I loved her video showing it off!

  6. Love your card! What a special gift to give! I am sure she will treasure it the way you treasure her video!



Art is commenting on whats going on around you in your life.
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