my stencils

Monday, December 31, 2012

lagniappe: noun

a small gift given a customer by a merchant at the time of a purchase
( pronunciation )

random musings for the year 2012...
why can't the blogger spell check recognize certain words:
scrapbooking ( thanks Judy )

Why do I always find mistakes after I..
post a picture of something I created
or after I published a blog post
If your going to spam me..
can't your English/grammar be better?

Having or Being?
I have been trying to downsize for 3 years since my imposed divorce, and each year I have succeeded in having less unnecessary things. It's a slow process and for the life of me I wonder why I have such trouble letting go. I am no where near to being a hoarder, I just have too much stuff now that I am living in an apartment ( having gone from a 4,000 square foot house )...I had to store my "extra stuff" in a rented garage and have been working on getting rid of it. Of course my plan had to be out of it in a year, but that hasn't happened...a dent yes, but no where near to having it gone. When I saw this show which was about a hoarder and the explanation about how our society has developed this hoarding habit really made me think twice...and hopefully it will make me work a little bit harder to clear out that garage.
 It's also the sociology major in me that gets excited over studies like this:

Also I will still be using words to define my blog posts but for 2013 I am going to be using the
 "word of the day"
program and hopefully we will learn something new. I hope you enjoy it too.
Have you ever received a lagniappe from a store before?
I have, but didn't know it was called a lagniappe.
It's also kind of fun to say :0

Happy New Year to all my friends!

and what kind of friend would I be if I didn't let you know about an awesome give away from
 Really Reasonable Ribbon.
 If you have followed my blog, you know that I use their ribbon often and I love it. They are celebrating their 3 Year Anniversary with a give away!
They are giving away 3 gift certificates!
There will be one $50 gift certificate and two $25 gift certificates which will be given to three random winners.

What a great way to bring in the New Year, eh?


  1. yup! Sandee, have had a lagniappe not that would have ever called it that.. and downsizing??
    ah now that is one word I do need to put in my vocabulary,
    love and God bless for 2013, Shaz in oz.x

  2. Love your "word of the day", sandee!!! I would miss it, if you would give up on it - honestly!

    Will have to think on "having" and "being" for quite a while, I guess. I am no hoarder too, but we have an additional rented basement compartment...well, you know what I mean ;)

    Wishing you all the best for 2013!!!

    Hugs to the hills of North Carolina!

    Claudia xx

  3. Hi Sandee, I too have a hard time letting go. My m.o. is to say,"I'll have a yard sale and then I put the items in the basement... LOL... I have never, ever had a yard sale but I'm ready with all my stuff!!!
    I love getting lagniappes. Ellen Hutson always sends a sweet lagniappe. I even love a "Thank you" and no one says that quite as well as Blockhead Arts!!! Happy New Year my friend!!!

  4. Hi Sandee, a great post today! Thanks for sharing the video, it has made me think. We are in the process of clearing out unwanted stuff before some changes to our little house. Keep up the good work girl! Love your words but I have never heard of lagniappe - probably because I have an old fashioned phone? Hope you have a wonderful New Year... see you in 2013. Hugs, Anne x

  5. Hi Sandee! I am so glad I'm not the only one wondering why blogger thinks I misspell "journaling!" Also, thank you for posting that video--Erich Fromm was right on about true! But I had no idea that public storage didn't really exist in 1960. All so fascinating! So, I hope you find some cute and clever storage systems, in the meantime, for your apartment--pretty boxes, and furniture that does double duty! I wish we all could have huge studios--but even one of my favorite crafty artists on PBS lives in a tiny New York apartment! Crafty hugs to you dearest, and I hope you have a wonderful New Year! --Sandy Leigh

  6. Scrapbooking... that one isn't a real word either, just ask Blogger. And lagniappe sounds like a medical procedure. And hey, even the hoarder I know is downsizing! I'll have to check out that video you posted when I get back to work because I'm curious what it has to say. And my favorite spam comments are the ones that say things like I find what you have to say very insightful. Heck, yeah, wenches! I'm glad you'll keep up the word of a day.

  7. Just diving in here Sandee to wish you the best for the New Year. Everyone else has had there's so Canada come on...Let's party!!!
    Let's hope 2013 will be the best one yet with health, wealth, happiness and lots of creativity thrown in! ;D

    Good Luck
    HUGS ♥x♥x (maybe just a tad too much bubbly) ;D

  8. Happy New Year Sandee! Well, I'm turning into a horder and I'm hoping 2013 will my time to clean out! :)

  9. I love learning new words from your blog!

    It drives me nuts that blogger doesn't recognize scrapbooking and journaling (oh, there are those red squiggly lines again!)

    I hope you have a fabulous 2013!

  10. Yes, I am always coming across words that the spell check doesn't recognize. Quite annoying. Makes me doubt myself. ;)

    Having and Being. Interesting to ponder as I have some purging and cleaning on my list for this year. ;)

    I have gotten that l-word thingie that I can't pronounce, too.

    Happy 2013!! :)

  11. I agree on those very words. Also commenter is not a word according to blogger.

    I have spent a lot of time building up my supply of sCRAP I hope to use over this next year, but I also believe I can purge some, too. I need to either use it or lose it. All those dust collectors I can't let go of are a problem, too.

    Again, Happy New Year, dear friend.


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