my stencils

Friday, June 29, 2012

synonym: noun

a word used in place of the one you can't spell

How many of us can relate to that? I know I can and it made me LOL when I saw it on my friend's Pinterest board! wtg Jamie!

Today is a fun day post...just musing, ramblings and pictures...

and books...finished reading the Hunger Games within 24 hours...and I liked it, will be on the waiting list for the second and third books. Also am thinking of checking into 50 Shades of Grey as it keeps popping up so maybe that's a sign I should read it ;)

I live for these momments out on my balcony:
( I'm begining to think the animals are lining up here to be photographed! )
And oh so happy that the birds are finally accepting my presence out on the balcony! The titmouses are the last to accept me, and are still too scared to be photographed!  But the Chickadees are really warming up to me, I have been almost nose to beak with them on several occassions, I usually stop what I am doing ( so I don't give them a heart attack, raise my eye brows, and think.."well, now what?" ) until they realize how close they are to me and fly off. It always makes me shake my head and smile.
I love seeing flowers that I've planted from seeds bearing flowers, that makes me happy :)
( Zinnias and Hyacynth Bean Vine )

June's Project Pinterest is almost up. Have you pinned anything lately? Better yet, have you made anything from a pin? Want to share? Link it up here!

I pin because it makes me happy!


  1. I would imagine the more you are out on the balcony the more they'll get used to you. Lovely shots. :)

    Nope. I don't pin.

  2. ...loVely piccy's Sandee, it's wonderful you have so much wildlife visiting you and stopping for the odd photo...and you may as well kiss goodbye to any crafting or anything else for that matter as apparantly 50 Shades of Grey is a real page turner!!....Mel :)

  3. as i have mentioned before you nature photos are amazing!!

    have a great weekend

  4. You clearly have a natural affinity with animals to get so many fabulous shots of them. Loving that rabbit! Crafty hugs, Anne x

  5. What fantastic pics Sandee as always.. it must be lovely to have all these fabulous wildlife visiting you.. simply lovely.. Hugs May x x x


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