my stencils

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


a hummingbird

wow....go here, to find out another definition for a hummer....
::clears throat::
 learn something everyday ;) lol


Just a little drawing  for the In the Garden theme over at the Artist's Playroom.

This is in my nature journal, sketched in pen, colored with Sakura red and green pens for the stained glass, pencils for the metal, pencil and then covered with Ranger's Candy Crackle for the glass casing.
 I don't claim to be an artist, lol
Now for something cuter than my attempt at drawing, this adorable chipmunk!
all together..say awwwww! lol

Now if your wondering why this clay pot is buried in the ground, let me explain.
1. I don't like to throw away anything if I can help it.
2. This was a broken shard of a pot, only one side of the pot was found in the garden.
3. Since this is planted along the edge of the garden and they have commercial lawn people, I didn't want them weed eating around the plant and harming it.

So put 1, 2, and 3 together, and you have what looks like a whole pot buried in the soil, but it's not...but it looks like it Frankly I just like to confuse the old people I live with, not really, but they think I'm weird anyway!
But I'm the only gardener they have ;)

Link up your Project Pinterest project!!


  1. love the little chipmunk! great photo

  2. Oh yes, I did go there and wish now that I had not.......great pic of the chipmunk and your buried pot (pieces) looks great too. A x

  3. LOL! I learned something new today! ;)

    Love your hummer feeder and the chipmunk and the buried pot illusion! I'm a chipmunk and squirrel lover and I never get to see them anymore, so I thank you for the peek at your little friend. Have a super day! :)

  4. Adorable little chipmunk, Sandee! Sorry you're not getting so many hummingbirds. One day I would love to see one but not likely here in the UK lol! Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog - I had a great time but suffering the consequences now, unfortunately - lots to catch up with but it will all have to wait until I feel better.


  5. I'll definitely say awwww to a chipmunk as we don't have such cute creatures here. But as for the hummer I just had to look it up didn't I? I won't tell you what my nickname in work was but perhaps my initials might help out there. LOL

  6. Sandee, your journal page is gorgeous, love your drawing. So sad about the humming birds though, they are so beautiful. Fab chipmunk photo too, how cute! A pet shop in a town close to me used to keep a couple in a huge indoor pen and I used to spend ages in there just watching them, so very comical. They were kept very well but would rather have seen them in the wild, how lucky you are my lovely.
    Hugs x

  7. Hi, I've popped over from APR and I love your Humming Bird feeder. I also say 'Awww' to the chipmunk :0)

  8. Oh, what happened to all the hummingbirds?! Your bird feeder is lovely, I love little chipmunks, too, even though they can be a nuisance in the garden. What a clever way to use a broken pot!

  9. Cute! I love your little drawing. Blessings!

  10. AAwwwwww he is so cute and tiny I have never seen one before. Oh and those old people are probably calling you the young thing LOL. I like you parallel thinking.

    Hugs Eliza

  11. I am laughing my A** off. :)

  12. Great drawing in your garden journal. Chipmunks are so cute aren't they?


  13. Thanks for joining apr this week, I love hummers, and not the big driving kind, lol.

  14. hahaha! the pot idea is pretty creative! and your chipmunk is adorable! i think i need one for my "dream" garden :)

  15. I am all for confusing the old people and I have to say we have a similar pot in our garden, though only because it has sunk due to so much rain and maybe just a little neglect after the last flood... I really like the page from your nature journal and think you are being a touch harsh with the artist comment...your work is awesome xx

  16. I bought a "hummer" feeder a few years ago, filled it, and never saw a single bird. Still have the feeder, still no hummers around anywhere. Not even the SUV kind (grin).

    Nice use of the shard. I have several in my front garden like that.

  17. I wish we had hummingbirds here in your journal page! Why are the hummer numbers are down this summer??

    I LOVE what you did with the terracotta effective!

    Nice to 'meet' you via APR. :)


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