my stencils

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fools day : noun

a day on which people play practical jokes on other people

Sunday's pin brought to you by Fun Classroom Activities
( always give credit, please )

Growing plants in the classroom

I was given some Hyacinth Bean Vine pods a couple of months ago with no instructions. I wondered if they were still any good so I thought this jar method would be interesting to do.  It was very interesting to watch the seed sprout and I would highly recommend this one to anyone with young kids.
 I have since learned that I am going to have my hands full with this fast growing vine but hopefully it will give me plenty of flowers so I'm kinda excited and nervous at the same time! lol So the April Fool's Day joke may be on me, pictures will follow the growth of this baby!

But if you have something you've pinned, I have 2 sites for showing them off!

 You can join Sarah, over at  It's on the tip of my tongue for Project Pinterest:
Here are the rules:
1. Decide which pin on Pinterest you’d like to recreate.
2. Create it!
3. Flop or success, create a blog post about your re-do and include the original pin’s url.
4. Add the Project Pinterest button to your post so others can join in too!
5. Link up and check out other bloggers’ posts!
OR there is another Pinning Group challenge called The Pinterest Challenge which I am entering this into:
I'm Topsy Turvy

1. Enter the URL of your blog post here - NOT your homepage.
2. All projects should be Pinterest inspired AND include a link to the original source or pin.
3. You can enter up to THREE completed projects as long as they haven't been linked up before.
4. Include a link or the Pinterest Challenge button so others can join in the fun.

I must say that I am really enjoying the show and tell pinning going on, it's fun to see what people are actually making from what they are pinning!
So hey, if you pin, play along!


And a surprise visitor to my yard today. I've seen these groundhogs along side the roads but didn't know we had one until he popped out of the woods this afternoon. he was going to cross the yard, but evidently thought better of it when he knew he was being photographed. I am such a geek, taking pictures of ground hogs, huh?

So, playing any April Fool's tricks on anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Ohmygawd! The bean in the glass of water with a paper towel. We did that as kids. How totally fun! I can remember several of them on my windowsill. I don't remember what happened next to them... did we replant them? Did they grow?

    Didn't play jokes on anyone here. I'm totally anti-practical jokes (failing to see the practicality of them). I must say a coworker did a good one on FB. He's been discussing several options of what to do with his life the past few weeks. He recently made a decision to not go to the university. Today's decision was to move back to the town he came from. It totally could be real! Except for... there ain't nuthin' in that town, but still... maybe? I think I enjoyed it as a joke because no one person what the butt of the joke and he'd previously posted several songs all with "fooling" or "fool" in the title, so you kind of should have seen it coming.


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