my stencils

Thursday, March 29, 2012

tweak: transitive verb

to make a slight adjustment or change to something, especially in order to improve it or fix it

Hi everyone! As you read this I will be hiking Pearson's Falls, but I wanted to leave you a close up of what was on my desk yesterday. I received a lot of comments on it, and thank you! It means so much when someone leaves a kind word for you!

It's a take off on lesson #4, from Elizabeth's Altered Book Lover class. I had some shell stickers that I loved, actually several sheets of them, lol, so I got to use up a whole sheet, which made me feel good to use up some of my stash! The background is gesso ( 2 coats ), then a couple drops of glimmer mists spread out, then sprinkled with coarse glitter, and lightly brushed over with a third layer of gesso. Then I simply layered the stickers along the bottom and the title on the top. I then added my sticker letters. Now afraid things wouldn't stay stuck I then put a layer of clear coat on top of that. And then a dusting of fine glitter over everything.

The quote is from Comedian Steven Wright, but I had to tweak it a little so it would fit on my page:

"I have the worlds largest seashell collection. You may have seen it, I keep it spread out on beaches all over the world."

A question here, I normally write the author of the quote when I use them, but since I changed it, what do I do? Would love some suggestions! Please!

I also had 'issues' with the title because I thought my page had dried; but evidently not all the way and my title peeled up when I had opened it back up. Luckily I had another one so was able to redo it and this time made sure everything was dry before closing it. I keep going back and checking on it too just to make sure, lol

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!


  1. It looks fab, love the colours, not sure what to suggest about the title. Zo xx

  2. Love the spread! I'm no expert in the copyright line, but I would say you are pretty safe unless you plan to sell the book.

  3. That is one cool double spread page Sandee and I bet it looks even better in reality with all the layers.

    How about using 'a la' before the name, meaning in the style of.

  4. ...looking good Sandee...I loVe shells takes me right back to my childhood...such a great sentiment...Mel :)

  5. Hi Sandee.... I think you did just fine by acknowledging the author!
    Happy Trails, Kim

  6. I have pulled you into my mermaidery world--and I love it.

    As for the copyright, even when you paraphrase someone's idea you still cite them when writing formal papers. Something like this I'm not sure what MLA would say, but I think Craftymoose might be accurate.


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